it was tagged as a KFC commercial, but there was no indication that it was from KFC (is it because of the food she was eating?). anyways, really liked the commercial. why? because it's jeon ji hyun. isn't that a good enough reason?
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Dont you just hate them?
dont you just hate those candidates that run for a certain position but are not qualified for it. or worse, they win the position but don't do what they are supposed to do. its like running for a legislative position only to do executive work. what the? why did you run for that position when you're primarily going to do executive functions? at least some people know that. like this government official who was asked to run for senator but turned down the offer, saying that's not his field. he knows he is effective serving the people doing executive work, not legislative stuff. so even if he has a chance of winning the position, he'd rather not, knowing the senate seat would be a waste if he occupied it.
dont you just hate those candidates who run saying that they want to serve the people but they themselves are clueless of what are the people's problems? what are the issues that need to be addressed? what are the things that need to be done? they are dependent on their advisers to coach them on what to do and even what to say! they need other people to tell them what the crap's happening. what a bunch of idiots! but they win anyway because they have the charming personality that wins the people's hearts...and votes.
dont you just hate those candidates that run just because it seems that they just want to add it to their acomplishments in life? well, how many people could claim they have been president of a country or senator? only a handful right? but running just because of that? so you could put it in your resume "president" or "vice president" for so and so number of years? ambitious bastards! and when they win, and they are actually sitting, what do they do? ok maybe some do get the job done, but others just dont care anymore. just comply with the minimum requirements of the position in order to stay in power. what matters to them is that they have something for their resumes, or something to say to other people during parties or get togethers...or something other people could say about them.
dont you just hate it that even if candidates are not qualified, are clueless of the real issues and problems, and more inclined to serve their own interests than the public's, they manage to win anyway, again and again? why do people keep voting like this? dont they know, its the end of the world? I wake up in the morning and I wonder why everything's the same as it was. I can't understand, no, I can't understand. How life goes on the way it does. (I would like to thank Nina Gordon for the last few lines, lyrics from her song "The End of the World")
dont you just hate those candidates who run saying that they want to serve the people but they themselves are clueless of what are the people's problems? what are the issues that need to be addressed? what are the things that need to be done? they are dependent on their advisers to coach them on what to do and even what to say! they need other people to tell them what the crap's happening. what a bunch of idiots! but they win anyway because they have the charming personality that wins the people's hearts...and votes.
dont you just hate those candidates that run just because it seems that they just want to add it to their acomplishments in life? well, how many people could claim they have been president of a country or senator? only a handful right? but running just because of that? so you could put it in your resume "president" or "vice president" for so and so number of years? ambitious bastards! and when they win, and they are actually sitting, what do they do? ok maybe some do get the job done, but others just dont care anymore. just comply with the minimum requirements of the position in order to stay in power. what matters to them is that they have something for their resumes, or something to say to other people during parties or get togethers...or something other people could say about them.
dont you just hate it that even if candidates are not qualified, are clueless of the real issues and problems, and more inclined to serve their own interests than the public's, they manage to win anyway, again and again? why do people keep voting like this? dont they know, its the end of the world? I wake up in the morning and I wonder why everything's the same as it was. I can't understand, no, I can't understand. How life goes on the way it does. (I would like to thank Nina Gordon for the last few lines, lyrics from her song "The End of the World")
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Pretty girl from Minneapolis
"I'm not small, I'm space-efficient." - 5' 2" actress Rachael Leigh Cook (or The Indie Queen accdg to
I dont remember when i first saw this actress on tv/film but what i do know is that i still consider her as one of the prettiest actresses around. back in highschool, i printed pictures of her so i could use it as a cover for my notebook. right now, i have 43 desktop wallpapers of her (but then again, that's really nothing, i have 1861 wallpapers of hottie celebrities, and i have 95 wallpapers of monica bellucci). i even have a wallpaper of her on my phone. havent watched her recent movies though. the ones ive seen are: The Babysitter's Club (on HBO), Carpool (also on HBO), Eighteenth Angel (rented a VHS, VCD's werent available back then), She's All That (movie theater), and Josie and the Pussycats (on VCD). Anyway, i didnt expect her to be in Daniel Powter's music video for "Love You Lately". But after seeing her in that video, all i can say is, "wow, she still looks gorgeous!"
I dont remember when i first saw this actress on tv/film but what i do know is that i still consider her as one of the prettiest actresses around. back in highschool, i printed pictures of her so i could use it as a cover for my notebook. right now, i have 43 desktop wallpapers of her (but then again, that's really nothing, i have 1861 wallpapers of hottie celebrities, and i have 95 wallpapers of monica bellucci). i even have a wallpaper of her on my phone. havent watched her recent movies though. the ones ive seen are: The Babysitter's Club (on HBO), Carpool (also on HBO), Eighteenth Angel (rented a VHS, VCD's werent available back then), She's All That (movie theater), and Josie and the Pussycats (on VCD). Anyway, i didnt expect her to be in Daniel Powter's music video for "Love You Lately". But after seeing her in that video, all i can say is, "wow, she still looks gorgeous!"
Friday, January 26, 2007
just reminiscing
just listened to "melt with you" from the 50 First Dates Soundtrack (which i've tried to complete, i collected all the songs played in the movie, and right now, ive acquired 32 of the 34 songs!) and the soundtrack still has that same effect on me, even if its been 3 years! havent watched the movie lately though. i remember playing the soundtrack all day long, and all night long. i would plug in my cd player to my computer speakers and put it on my headboard, and listen to the soundtrack while im sleeping. when im going to take a bath, i would bring the cd player and the speakers to the bathroom! and when i went to that program before my college graduation (forgot what it was called), i also brought my cd player and the soundtrack (it was inside my pants pocket, hidden by the toga). i also brought it during the Blue Roast! i was really addicted to the soundtrack. i even brought it to Bicol when i went on vacation. and listening to it again, it still puts me in that wonderful mood.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
still wondering
just read the newspaper a few days ago and i saw an article on autism. there was this illustration of signs of autism which caught my attention. so i read it, and i thought, "holy shit! im autistic". i exhibit most of the signs! im indifferent to my surroundings, im content to be alone, avoids touching, inappropriate attachment to objects, doesnt maintain eye contact, undersensitive to pain or danger, etc. unfortunately, i didnt read the articles, since i didnt have time (yeah right, what an excuse). anyway, i didnt have these "signs" when i was a kid. i was more of an ADHD kid. well, i only appear to be. going back, i only developed the signs when i was in highschool, so it was more of a personality change. so, im not autistic. and i was a bit disappointed. not that i want to be autistic (and not that there's something inherently wrong with being one). its just that, ive been looking for an explanation on how i came to be this guy i am now. comparing my life as kid, or my personality when i was a kid, to my personality right now, it would appear that the two personalities are contradictory. not that i dont like the person i am now, i just want answers, or an explanation on how all these happened.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Barker benefits
I think the idea of having jeepney barkers is a good thing. not sure of the arrangements between barkers and drivers, whether its advantageous or not but for a commuter like me, i find it convenient. first, i dont have the problem of thinking of my jeepney fare because im already asked to pay for it right before i ride. and most of the time, they have change! so no need to worry of not having change for the jeepney fare. and lately, ive been really bad with the jeepney fares, few days ago, i forgot that i paid P10 for a P7 fare. so that means i still have a P3 change. but i forgot about it and honestly thought that i paid the exact fare (so the P3 change was being passed around the jeepney and no one was claiming it, i even passed it to another passenger). so i lost P3 in the process. at least its the driver's gain. and i did it again yesterday! and this time, i paid P15, for yes, another P7 fare. that's more than twice i was supposed to pay. but like before, i forgot that im only supposed P7 because i was thinking of the tricycle fare which was P12. so, when the driver didnt give me my change, i thought i gave the exact amount (i doubt too much, its possible for a person to make me doubt even my own name!). only when i got home did i realize how much i paid. so, its really convenient to have barkers. problem is, they can only do the charging of fares at the jeepney terminals. and in this country, jeepney stops only means the two jeepney terminals at the end of each one entire trip. second, the good thing about barkers is that they create a sense of discipline among passengers. they make sure the passengers line up. and of course, they make sure some dont get free rides. of course, some complain that barkers fill the jeepneys too much, that it appears that its always one passenger in excess of the actual seating capacity. ive experienced that inconvenience many times. but as one barker pointed out, if the commuter wants comfort, get a taxi. for me, such inconvenience is a small price to pay so that i could get a cheap ride.
Razor sharp teeth
must be losing it...few days ago, i almost brushed my teeth with a razor! of course its just simple absent-mindedness but that stupidity could really have injured me. good thing i sensed it before i could do some damage to myself. when i was about to put it in my mouth, something in my head suddenly alerted me that there's something wrong. that's when i realized that i was holding a razor, and that i was already done brushing my teeth. so it made me ask, "what's the razor for?". a few seconds of contemplation, and only then did i realize, im was going to shave off my stubble. so, like in the movie "click' by adam sandler, it seems i was on "auto-pilot". if my teeth were only separate living entities, they would have panicked when they saw the razor about to enter my mouth. they would have preferred the dentist anytime, than have them shaved off by a razor. speaking of teeth, just read about this movie, "Teeth", about this teenage girl who discovers she has a set of teeth in her...well, as its website said, a toothed vagina. seems to be an interesting movie. anyway, im digressing and i should be studying too. just took the midterm exam a while ago. im not expecting it to be good, so i better pull myself together now or...well, or else, what else.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Reclusion Perpetua
I got this from Salman Rushdie's book, "Fury":
'The human race is a life sentence...It's a rough confinement and sometimes we all need to break out of jail."
Haven't finished reading the book which I borrowed from Diane, sorry. Its almost a year now since i borrowed the book, im reading it a chapter at a time. I like to read it out loud, trying to read it with an accent from time to time.
Anyway, back to the quote. I fully agree with the quote. Sometimes, i just feel that this world is just so crowded, that my privacy is constantly violated. That human interaction is just becoming so tiresome that there are times that i would really like to be in a place where i dont have to speak or be with another human being, even for just 48 consecutive hours. I dont know why i feel that way, but i do. sometimes, i really get annoyed when i stay in a place where there are lots of people. and there are times that it is really burdensome to keep up with the human race with their ideas, lifestyle and other human imaginings and creations. its really a puzzling feeling. one person even commented that i have this disgust for the human race, as if its a repulsive life form in this planet, thinking itself to be the pinnacle of evolution but that doesnt mean its a superior being in all aspects. its tiring to live in this world, and that is also why i find it interesting why most people want to live a long life. isnt 2 decades or maybe three enough? whats the point of staying longer in this planet? not that there's much to experience? maybe im just bored. anyway, the way i see it, the only way to break out of this jail is through death. and unfortunately, death will only come when it thinks you've had enough of this world. or, you can always catch its attention by way of suicide and face the consequences of taking things into your own hands (that is, if you are a God-fearing person or if you have a religion that forbids the act).
'The human race is a life sentence...It's a rough confinement and sometimes we all need to break out of jail."
Haven't finished reading the book which I borrowed from Diane, sorry. Its almost a year now since i borrowed the book, im reading it a chapter at a time. I like to read it out loud, trying to read it with an accent from time to time.
Anyway, back to the quote. I fully agree with the quote. Sometimes, i just feel that this world is just so crowded, that my privacy is constantly violated. That human interaction is just becoming so tiresome that there are times that i would really like to be in a place where i dont have to speak or be with another human being, even for just 48 consecutive hours. I dont know why i feel that way, but i do. sometimes, i really get annoyed when i stay in a place where there are lots of people. and there are times that it is really burdensome to keep up with the human race with their ideas, lifestyle and other human imaginings and creations. its really a puzzling feeling. one person even commented that i have this disgust for the human race, as if its a repulsive life form in this planet, thinking itself to be the pinnacle of evolution but that doesnt mean its a superior being in all aspects. its tiring to live in this world, and that is also why i find it interesting why most people want to live a long life. isnt 2 decades or maybe three enough? whats the point of staying longer in this planet? not that there's much to experience? maybe im just bored. anyway, the way i see it, the only way to break out of this jail is through death. and unfortunately, death will only come when it thinks you've had enough of this world. or, you can always catch its attention by way of suicide and face the consequences of taking things into your own hands (that is, if you are a God-fearing person or if you have a religion that forbids the act).
Sunday, January 21, 2007
rough ride
I hope I didn't brain my damage. - Homer Jay Simpson
back in college, some people ask why i dont ride the tricycle (or try not to ride as much as possible). why i would rather walk, even if im already late for class, than ride those three wheeled form things. well, the answer is, or maybe one of the answers is, because of the rough ride. for a tall guy like me who barely fits inside the tricycle, the road conditions in our country makes the ride worse. most of the time, i hit my head, and the way some tricycle drivers drive, they dont care about the potholes and speed bumps! so i end up muttering in pain. i can complain of course but that wont help very much. the potholes remain, they still dont slow down on speed bumps and i still get the bumpy ride. ive got lots of bumpy rides and knocked my head so many times i just hope that my brain aint damaged...yet.
back in college, some people ask why i dont ride the tricycle (or try not to ride as much as possible). why i would rather walk, even if im already late for class, than ride those three wheeled form things. well, the answer is, or maybe one of the answers is, because of the rough ride. for a tall guy like me who barely fits inside the tricycle, the road conditions in our country makes the ride worse. most of the time, i hit my head, and the way some tricycle drivers drive, they dont care about the potholes and speed bumps! so i end up muttering in pain. i can complain of course but that wont help very much. the potholes remain, they still dont slow down on speed bumps and i still get the bumpy ride. ive got lots of bumpy rides and knocked my head so many times i just hope that my brain aint damaged...yet.
sex is zero
just watched this korean movie "sex is zero" a few days ago. this is a korean movie that would sort of remind you of American Pie. or you could say, American Pie, Asian style. or Korean Style. i liked it. not that its some out of this world, extraordinary, must see movie because its so unique and artistic, but because its really amusing and a good watch when you're stressed out. not a waste of time. and the lead actress is pretty too.

the movie poster --->
the pretty actress is Ha Ji Won
the movie poster --->
the pretty actress is Ha Ji Won
left, right, west and south
whew, got my sense of direction back. i sort of lost it when i used the MRT and LRT few weeks ago. i kept asking for questions where the right platform was. at the MRT Cubao station, i didnt ask for directions since i know how to ride in that station, and well, i was wrong. i ended up in the wrong platform! and to confirm my blunder, i just had to ask the guard whether im on the wrong platform. im really cruel to myself. and at the LRT, i kept asking whether i should go to the right or to the left.
anyway, i rode the LRT again, and fortunately this time, i knew where i was going. it was the same route as the last time when i lost my sense of direction, and it wasnt the first time i used that route (that is why i was confused why i was confused where to go since it wasnt the first time nor second time im doing the trip). just wanted to say that my navigational skills are back. i rarely get lost (even if i dont know the place), and it really bothers me that im finding it hard to understand where im heading. by the way, it seems the security on the LRT is tighter and more thorough than the last time i rode. just taking note of it.
anyway, i rode the LRT again, and fortunately this time, i knew where i was going. it was the same route as the last time when i lost my sense of direction, and it wasnt the first time i used that route (that is why i was confused why i was confused where to go since it wasnt the first time nor second time im doing the trip). just wanted to say that my navigational skills are back. i rarely get lost (even if i dont know the place), and it really bothers me that im finding it hard to understand where im heading. by the way, it seems the security on the LRT is tighter and more thorough than the last time i rode. just taking note of it.
technology is bliss
uploading some pics again, and the internet speed is still slow. but it has improved, but still, slooowww. anyway, while uploading, and downloading some music videos, might as well blog...
I finally bought the USB hub/card reader that i wanted to buy a few weeks ago. i saw it in a Gilmore shop when i bought the 250 gig hard disk i needed (Gilmore...a place i go to for all my computer needs!). i didnt buy it back then because i didnt have the extra money for it. It was a good decision actually, it was P50 cheaper now, dont know the reason for the price drop, in less than a month. the product seems to be ok, doesnt look like the very cheap ones.
anyway, i really feel good when i buy a gadget or some other similar stuff, no matter how simple it is. i dont know, i just like computer related things, i guess. it really gets me excited. after i bought the hard disk, i was pumped up in installing and re-formatting it (because the guy at the computer shop used NTFS, i use and prefer FAT32). ok, maybe not pumped up, but i really liked doing it. i spent hours re-installing my usual software. now, just buying a USB hub and card reader makes feel less miserable than usual (i bought it because i upgraded my motherboard back in 2003, and well, the USB ports are located at the back of the CPU case and doesnt have any USB port in front, and flash drives werent that common at the time, so its really inconvenient to have the USB ports at the back of the CPU, and it only has 2 ports). it really was a relief for me to have the USB port in a convenient and easily accesible place. as for the card reader, it makes transferring pictures from the digital cameras more convenient too. now, i dont have to plug the digicam to the PC and go through the installed programs of the digicam. the programs are useful but they get burdensome especially when you transfer pictures on a weekly basis, or almost weekly basis.
since im talking of feeling good when it comes to gadgets, i remember my cousin telling me that there was this one time that i really looked happy. it was sort of a rare moment since im always feeling miserable. and that time was when i helped set up my cousin's PC! of course i knew she could do it on her own, but im really thankful she allowed me to do it, because i really felt good doing it (installing the OS, MS office, the soundcard drivers, etc).
I finally bought the USB hub/card reader that i wanted to buy a few weeks ago. i saw it in a Gilmore shop when i bought the 250 gig hard disk i needed (Gilmore...a place i go to for all my computer needs!). i didnt buy it back then because i didnt have the extra money for it. It was a good decision actually, it was P50 cheaper now, dont know the reason for the price drop, in less than a month. the product seems to be ok, doesnt look like the very cheap ones.
anyway, i really feel good when i buy a gadget or some other similar stuff, no matter how simple it is. i dont know, i just like computer related things, i guess. it really gets me excited. after i bought the hard disk, i was pumped up in installing and re-formatting it (because the guy at the computer shop used NTFS, i use and prefer FAT32). ok, maybe not pumped up, but i really liked doing it. i spent hours re-installing my usual software. now, just buying a USB hub and card reader makes feel less miserable than usual (i bought it because i upgraded my motherboard back in 2003, and well, the USB ports are located at the back of the CPU case and doesnt have any USB port in front, and flash drives werent that common at the time, so its really inconvenient to have the USB ports at the back of the CPU, and it only has 2 ports). it really was a relief for me to have the USB port in a convenient and easily accesible place. as for the card reader, it makes transferring pictures from the digital cameras more convenient too. now, i dont have to plug the digicam to the PC and go through the installed programs of the digicam. the programs are useful but they get burdensome especially when you transfer pictures on a weekly basis, or almost weekly basis.
since im talking of feeling good when it comes to gadgets, i remember my cousin telling me that there was this one time that i really looked happy. it was sort of a rare moment since im always feeling miserable. and that time was when i helped set up my cousin's PC! of course i knew she could do it on her own, but im really thankful she allowed me to do it, because i really felt good doing it (installing the OS, MS office, the soundcard drivers, etc).
Monday, January 01, 2007
happy new year!!!
few hours after the new year, here i am blogging. am i bored? not really, just downloading a movie (3 more hours! and i started last year!). anyway, was browsing some websites since the internet speed seems to be back to normal (hope it stays that way and not just a temporary thing) and i saw this headline: "Filipino actress we've never heard of is lying?". So, what was it about? well its about a popular actress from the Philippines...and, well, just read it on the site itself (click here). my reaction after reading it: tsk, tsk, tsk. anyway, not sure if this has become some sort of news before since the date was december 11, 2006. im not updated on showbiz happenings (and my first post for the year 2007 is about showbiz!).
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