june 28 was a good day. i was supposed to have three classes that day but the two were cancelled. so it left me with one class. not bad. but that's not the best part. the best part is, i was able to watch Transformers on its release date! i thought i had to wait til friday before i could watch the supposed Best Summer Movie You Havent' Seen Yet. good thing mam avena didnt have class that day because if she did, i would have stayed in school until around 630pm. i could still watch the last full show but since i had no idea if the movie was good or not, i would rather watch it the following day. but that wasnt the case, i was free to go to the mall by 430pm! but i was still unsure if i should watch it since i always watch movies on its first screening for the day. but jump was already ready to watch it and somehow he infected me with his anticipation and excitement for the movie. so, i tagged along and watched it. and after seeing it, holy shit, its fucking good. no, its fucking awesome! there's really more than meets the eye. they did a good job in promoting the movie, because not only did they arouse the interest of the would-be watchers (they made sure we dont get a good look on how the autobots and decepticons look like), they didnt show the best parts in the trailers. the trailer wont even give you an idea how good the movie is. after stepping out of the cinema, i mentioned to jump, "kaya na nila gumawa ng ganitong transformers movie?". i never thought they could pull-off a transformers movie this good. i cant imagine at this moment what they can do with this level of special effects.
when i got home, i just felt i needed to replace the background picture on my multiply site. my former picture was composed of wolverine, ghost rider and venom and i did that after watching spiderman 3 which reminded me of my love for marvel comics and its characters. but after seeing Transformers, shit, i wished marvel movies were this good. also, i just had to make a Transformers background picture. so i started looking for pics the autobots and decepticons of the live-action film.
then came the day after. i had a 9am class. i found it hard to concentrate because i was singing the transformers tv theme in my head and my mind kept thinking of the nice scenes in the movie. i just have to watch it again. so i did, this time with my brother. its not as awesome as the first time but still its nice to watch the eye-popping scenes again.
like i said in my reply on sheryl's multiply site, its hard not to love a m

ovie this good. but i know some people who wouldnt like it. so what would make a person not like this movie? well, if he or she is someone who hates cars and robots and cars transforming into robots and vice versa and do not appreciate special effects and sound effects, and not interested in kick-ass fight scenes, then this movie would be a very big bore. some people find it idiotic to watch a movie that's not realistic or not grounded on reality. they prefer to watch something that happens in real life. well, that's his or her opinion and its hard for me to understand that (but i tried to understand it nonetheless) because ive always thought the reason people watch movies was because they wanted to take a break from reality. if i wanted to watch something real or something that happens in the real world, i would watch a documentary. anyway, going back to transformers, its great, its awesome, its (ive said this so many times) mind blowing! but its not perfect, almost, but not quite.
first, the megatron live-action film look is ok, but i would have loved it if they used the G1 Megatron look. also, i was expecting the old starscream voice but, like i said, what they did in the movie is ok.
second, they didnt introduce the decepticons that well. its fine they had "surprise" decepticons like brawl and bonecrusher but it could, probably, have been better if they gave more information on starscream's and another decepticon's personalities (barricade perhaps?). starscream didnt seem

like megatron's second in command or showed his ambitious side (maybe they intend to show this on the sequel). correct me if im wrong but i think scorponok didnt report when frenzy alerted the decepticons. he wasnt in the final battle. i thought he was with blackout, but blackout came and well, scorponok was not in sight. also, when bumblee had his legs crushed, i think jazz remained in his car form and didnt even react or do something to help bumblebee.
third, its hard to tell who's who on the fight scenes. or at least try to see what's happening. sometimes its just looks like two big heaps of metal rolling around. the slow motions were helpful but of course they cant use it in every fight scene.
fourth, it would have been better if they started with a face-off type of battle where all of them arriving on the battle scene on their alternate forms then transforming into their robot forms. i mean, by the final battle, it was already five on five. optimus prime, jazz, ratchett, ironhide, and bumblebee vs. megatron, brawl, barricade, blackout and starscream. bonecrusher was out of the equation since optimus prime decapitated him even before they reached the "battlezone". frenzy remained in the hoover dam headquarters and scorponok didnt go with the other decepticons. ok, maybe this was what i was expecting, the autobots squaring off with the decepticons, before they do the fight scenes they did in the movie. but what they did wasnt that b

dont get me wrong, i love this movie. its more than what i expected. it had a good balance of staying true to the 80s cartoon and adapting it to modern times. the special effects were amazing, the sound effects, and the soundtrack as well (but i think the 50 First Dates soundtrack is better). from time to time there were scenes in the movie where i cant stop myself from reacting and saying "shit! that's nice!" (referring to starscream's mid-air fight scenes), "whoa" (when bumblebee switched from the 1974 or 1975 camaro into the 2008 model; when barricade transformed back into a police car in mid-air to follow bumblebee), "nice!" (first look on how they transform, this is when blackout transformed at the beginning of the movie. actually, it was more of because of the sound effects; when i first heard optimus prime's voice; when optimus prime used his energy axe).