Monday, February 25, 2008

Cashback Quotes

"once upon a time i wanted to know what love was. love is there if you want it to be. you just have to see that its wrapped in beauty and hidden away within the seconds of your life. if you dont stop for a minute, you might miss it." - ben willis

Crush. It's funny how the same word for the feeling of disappointment can be used for the feeling of attraction. The Oxford English Dictionary states one of the meanings for the word crushed as "a strong and unreasoning, but transitory attachment." - ben willis

the female form has always been a great source of fascination. I've always been in awe of the power they posses. - ben willis

The bad news is that time flies. The good news... is that you're the pilot. - ben willis

Sunday, February 10, 2008

infected with malware

got infected with a malware last saturday. well, im not sure if it was just last saturday but thats when i found out about it. when i clicked to open one of my hard drives, it didnt open (like it should). i tried the other drives, same thing. it only opened when i right clicked explore. or typed the drive. i checked the task manager and saw that a CMIII program was running. and thats the first time i saw such program so i just clicked "end task". and nothing happened. it didnt make things worse, nor any better. i still cant open my hard drives. so what i did was run registry mechanic. no help there. updated my antivirus. again, no help. so i "googled" the problem. there i found from one of those free online tech help/support forums that im infected with a malware. so i followed the instructions already available on the thread i found (but it took me a week before i was able to do so since i felt that if i dont do it correctly, i might need to reformat the PC and i dont have a back-up! so i had to wait til i had hours to spare for a worst case scenario). when that didnt work, i posted a message on the online forum. well, still no reply. but at least i think i got rid of the malware. i checked my task manager again and i dont see the CMIII program anymore. and then my antivirus detected an infected exe file., which it deleted of course. but it didnt fix my hard drive problem. still cant open it. only then did i find out that theres another program to be downloaded to finally fix and restore a certain crucial file. so i did just that. and i think i finally fixed my PC and got rid of the malware. im still going to find out if my PC can still boot after i shut it down. thats when i can say thats my PC running like it should