Friday, February 19, 2010

maybe amnesia can help

When you can see the future, you think you're capable of changing it. But you're just a witness to coming moments, unable to help, even if you wanted to and maybe you don't. Sometimes you think you're supposed to learn something, about patience or distance, but in the end it's all about discipline. Seeing things you don't always want to and just moving on. After a while things become easier. Your dream keeps your mind from wandering. You begin to accept things as they are. Every man has his destiny. You can't escape it, even if you can see it coming.- Pleasure

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Imagine a world without God

i need to wake up and stop ignoring the God awful shitty mess im in. it might be making things easy but its not solving the problem. ignoring it wont change the reality that im going to crash and burn for the nth time. sure ill bounce back but every time i fall down, i cant bounce back as high as before. and im starting to feel the pressure being generated by this mess. and i hate the fact thats its almost breaking me but it never does. always close to the breaking point but it never quite reaches it. how annoying can it get?

right now, i dont know how some people can still think i have a bright future ahead of me. how strangers can tell to me that i will become someone great. i wish they would stop saying such annoying things. im not a gullible person nor stupid enough to think thats possible with where im heading. i dont know how people can still continue to have faith in me.

im trying to kill the blind optimism inside of me. its not doing me any good.

i think i am losing what's left of my mind

aim high.

 if you miss the mark, plummet then plunge. then rinse and repeat until you reach the astronomically high and the abysmally low.

Asok: My relatives want me to have an arranged marriage.

Wally: If they find someone who's totally hot and has low standards, ask if she has a sister.

Asok: What about love?

Wally: How can you not love THAT?