Thursday, March 13, 2008
holy heat!
Left Hand: hey brain, im holding something, like a piece of paper. what should i do with it?
Brain: hmm.using the sense of touch, it feels like a small piece of paper and its crumpled. its too small to be of any use and like i said, its crumpled. so based from experience, its a useless scrap of paper and probably should be thrown in the trash bin. theres a trash bin on your right, throw it now.
Eyes: hey, wait a minute, let me see that piece of paper. i may not be the one in charge with the thinking but something tells me that its a bit weird for lefty to be holding a useless piece of paper. where did the paper come from anyway?
Hand: ok, here it is
Eyes: its a P20 bill. umm..with all due respect mr. brain, i dont think that piece of paper is anything but useless.
Brain: sorry, i guess i made a big mistake there. that piece of paper has a monetary value which can be exchanged for goods, services and other commodities depending on the purchasing power allocated upon it by the government that considers it as legal tender and the value granted upon it is also dependent on external factors like its value in the world market. i think. im just a brain of an average person, not a brain of an economist. but i take notice of the fact that the said piece of paper is something of value and i withdraw my former order to have the piece of paper thrown in the trash bin. i should have consulted the sense of sight first before making the decision. so, having re-evaluated the situation, i deem it best that the P20 bill be handed over to the jeepney driver in exchange for the service of transportation. there being no objections from any other body part, let the order be executed.
after that, i felt dizzy with all the non-sensical thoughts running in my head so i decided to just let my brain rest and stare blankly into space
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
My PC is a whore!
Anyway, after a week of trying to fix it, i finally removed the malware (which runs a CMIII program in the background and prevents you from opening your hard drives with an ordinary left click, and i think also prevents you from safely removing flash disks and probably other USB port devices). It took me a week because i had a class everyday, and i needed hours of trying to figure out how to remove it, and another set of hours allocated for a "worst case scenario" (i.e. Reformat the C: drive!) so i also had to back up some files. Anyway, like i said, removing the malware was a success. But that wasnt enough, i need to find the source. Thats when i thought, my PC is a whore (or like a whore) and got infected with a reversible STD. Why? Because what made it difficult for me to find the source is that many people use the PC. Not only my siblings but also my cousins. And they check their emails there and insert their flash disks too. its hard to check and figure out who inserted the offensive instrument in the slot. So one of us must be the carrier of the horrible malware. So the question now was who? Who inserted the infected flash disk in the PC's usb slot. Or dowloaded an infected email and let the malware loose inside the PC. Anyway, im still not sure who the infected carrier is but at least my PC is clean again. And the anti-virus can detect the malware now (and the anti-virus is like a condom and it just so happens that at the time the PC got infected, the "condom was defective", meaning the antivirus was not updated enough to handle the malware). If the PC was a PC in a computer shop, i would say the PC is like a prostitute and not a whore since you have to pay for the services the PC offers.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Im mobile
Life is a blur
Right now, im really trying (and i really mean that im REALLY trying) to take my law studies seriously. And thinking of what ive accomplished, its not good enough. its still way below the standards ive set for myself. Old habits do die hard. Or maybe they dont really die, they're just locked in a cage deep within one's mind and you convince yourself it never existed. so begins the never ending battle between improving yourself and becoming what comes naturally.
which is the bigger sin to your own being? To deny yourself of being who you are to become someone of greater intrinsic and extrinsic worth or to deny yourself of becoming a better person just to be at peace with one's innate being. Of course you can always strike a balance. Life isnt black and white after all, but only a few seem to operate within the gray areas (or intentionally operate within it). I mean, life is uncertain, so why live a life of certainty? My answer would be, to gain stability. But that wont escape the principle of striking a balance. So again, you are forced to recognize, adapt and operate in life's gray area. and lately, it seems that i got lost within that gray area. The only thing certain about life is its uncertainty. Cliche.
This is my first blog entry which i wrote in a pocket pc (which my cousin lent to me) and emailed to blogger (i can now appreciate wifi technology!). And i wrote it while waiting for something to finish