Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Decisions, decisions

Which is the better one to do, help someone that needs your help (but not in dire need of it) or do what your supposed to do, like school work? This always happens to me and there is never a quick answer to it. People would say choose the one that is more important. But that isnt easy to determine and most of the time, you have to make a quick decision so there really isnt time to really weigh the importance of each (or enough time to carefully deliberate or analyze the situation). You also have to look at the urgency and the point of view of the other person. You also need to have a good sense of foresight or consider the possible consequences of action or inaction. It wont be a problem if theres a lot of time. It seems that as a person grows older (or more correctly, the more a person is assimilated in society), time becomes scarcer and the decisions become harder. Why is that? Why did we set up society to become more complicated the longer we live in it? Ok, im digressing.

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