Monday, June 28, 2010

personal mottos

1. There is no such thing as no time.

2. Never doubt the heart of a crammer.

3. Nothing is impossible.

These were my guide statements that i believed in back in college. i always boasted that i have time for everything, that i will finish the study materials and i will pull off whatever needs to be pulled off and make it appear like some great trick. but all there is to it was believing in one's self and never, ever giving up (in addition to great time management skills and sound judgment and strategization coupled with a laid back i dont care attitude). thats why my fourth motto was "only God can stop me" because God's will was the only reason im going to fail at something.

i was perfect for the bar exam. with my former self, the bar exam would be a piece of cake. now im just this whiny weakling who loves to sleep and eat and chase distractions. i dont have the "i dont care" attitude. what i have is "to hell with it" attitude. im screwed already, why bother?

if im going to take the bar, i must restore my old self. in order to do that, i will need strength and discipline (in addition to being a cold-hearted SOB because thats the only way i can focus). acknowledging i have emotions puts my emotionally sensitive self to the forefront and it makes me whiny and weak. i need to place it back on the backseat. if most people can use their emotions to make them stronger, make them passionate to the point of being unstoppable, well, that doesnt work for me. im more used to being cool, calm and composed and it makes me more effective. it makes me dense and insensitive but effective and efficient nonetheless. some things are meant not be changed. 

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