Wednesday, February 16, 2011

nothing continues to happen...and i dont mind

things have been routinary lately. i wake up, go to work, then go home. nothing much to write about. well, there's the baby python last friday. its unusual but its not really that interesting on my part.

i was working on something on my desk when i heard something move in a pile of case files on my left. when i looked at the source of the sound, i saw something shiny and white. at first i thought it was some big lizard's tail but then i wondered, how come its white? i dont know any common lizard that's as white as powder (and i doubt there's a rare specie lurking in my office room). and its not the albino kind of white (pinkish white). anyway, it disappeared and then seconds later, i saw the head of a mouse appear from underneath the case files, wrapped in a snake's body. a snake that's not white at all. maybe when i first saw it, the angle of the snake's body reflected the light from the room that's why it appeared white to me.

the mouse was still alive since it was squeaking but it was only a matter of seconds before the baby python squeezed the life out of it. thats when i realized it was a python and not a venomous snake because of the manner it killed its prey. at first i thought i would wait for it to finish its "brunch" but i decided to tell my officemate about it because it might finish eating without me noticing it and starts to slither away. when i informed them about it, they thought i was talking about a small snake the size of a worm (because i approached them and asked in a calm manner if they knew how to catch a snake. i didnt want to catch it because i dont know how to catch a python myself). they werent expecting a 1.5 foot baby python that can eat a mouse. well, ive had a bunch of pets before (and i used to have an extensive knowledge of animals and dinosaurs when i was in grade school. now, i just pretend i dont know much and let people debate by themselves. i dont want to be seen as an "animal expert" anymore because people dont really take the information seriously except as a "fun fact". i dont want to be like the "crazy person inside the bus" like Ted Mosby) so i dont get "excited" with animals, even the unusual kind. ive had dogs, budgies, freshwater aquarium fish (from arowanas to mollies), white mice, water snake, iguanas, mini-lobsters and turtles (and i always hit the encyclopedias and do some internet research on how to properly take care of it aside from asking tips from pet store owners). there was a point i had all of these pets all at the same time. but i stopped having pets because i dont have the time anymore. cleaning and maintenance can be time consuming and expensive especially when you do it as a hobby.

going back to the python, so there it was, a baby python eating a mouse in my room. my officemates caught it and one of them brought it home. that was that. a road accident might be more interesting to witness.

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