another tristanism
general rule: no matter how much truth is said in jest, its still a joke to me. and, a yes is a yes and a no is a no.
they say jokes are half meant. ok, fine. but for me, that doesnt change the fact that its a joke. and no matter what the joke means, how much truth it contains, whether it be 99.9% true, maybe even 100% true, as long as its delivered by way of a joke, i will not take it seriously. well, most of the time of course, but so far, i havent encountered an exception to my general rule. why wont i consider what is meant in a joke? well, if the person cant say it seriously then why would i take it seriously? if they can say it only through jokes, then im going to treat it as a joke. besides, its a joke, cmon, would you expect me to take a joke seriously? if i do, im just joking, meaning im just pretending that im taking the joke seriously to play a joke on the person who made it.
now, with regard to a yes is a yes and a no is a no, its as simple as that. dont expect me to construe it in any other way. a yes may be a no and a no may be a yes to some people but not for me. if you say yes, i take it as a yes. a no is a no. of course there are exceptions, but those are rare instances, very rare. i dont want to complicate things by giving a different interpretation to a yes or to a no.
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