its may 14! i would have said go out and vote, but its too late now. they're already counting the ballots! i woke up around 730 am to vote with my family and got home around 9am. not that the precinct was far, the ones manning my precinct were inefficient or maybe, was inefficient. not that there's only one teacher, in fact there were three but one of them wants things centralized. everything had to pass through him. so it appeared that the two other teachers were just idling around. that's why early in the morning i was reminded of the value of teamwork and trust (which i need to learn because i always go solo). i mean, there's three of them, they should share the workload. try to work as a team to make things more efficient and trust each other. the guy shouldn't have to check everything that's going on. its not an easy task to be a teacher during election day! that's why it took some time for me to cast my vote and why our precinct appeared to have a large voter turnout because of the long line. one even commented that it is as if the teacher was intentionally making it inconvenient to vote.
focusing on election day itself, well, it's really nice to see people going out to vote. its my second time to vote, and like before, we try to get there as early possible to avoid long lines. so, when i woke up, i went directly to my precinct to vote without eating breakfast nor taking a bath ( least im honest). i thought it would be quick like the last time but it wasnt as mentioned above. that's why i thought i didnt need to dress up or take a bath, i mean, the precinct's just nearby, its like going out to buy something from a sari-sari store. i wasnt expecting that i would fall in line for quite some time.
anyway, i went there with my parents, my sister, my aunt and my grandmother. my grandmother even had a greeting of "have an honest elections". when we reached the school, its really good to see a lot of people, hustling and bustling around the school grounds, looking for their precincts. its like a form of social event. well it is, but what i mean is that, people residing in an area get to see and talk with each other, congregate to update each other with neighborly stuff. so, people just dont vote here, some linger and chat with neighbors, talk about politics and their candidates aside from asking what's new. i didnt notice that the last time i voted. i guess i wasnt observant enough the last time. i also noticed that some looked fresh from the shower and were dressed as if they were going to a mall (unlike me). i guess they were more prepared than me. but i wasnt intending to stay long and chat with people anyway. so i think that makes it ok.
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