Wednesday, October 01, 2008

if youre ignorant, teach yourself.

we should never stop learning in life. if we dont know something, we should exert an effort to learn, as much as possible, on one's own. have the independence to think without reliance on external help. dependence stunts growth and self-development. or slows down progress at the very least. only kids should be taught or assisted in their self-development/self-improvement. an exception is when one is seeking higher education or mastery of a skill, then assistance is something that probably cant be dispensed with but independence of thought and reliance on one's self remains to be essential.

the problem with some people is that they are afraid to commit mistakes. they are afraid to fail. everybody commits mistakes. its acceptable as long as one does not overdo it. im a self-proclaimed self-taught thinker. i didnt believe what my highschool teachers taught me and i didnt rely on my college professors for answers (most of the time because they werent exactly useless).

i always exert an effort to enrich my knowledge on a wide range of topics. when i took up law, my primary reason was that i find the field interesting and i want to learn it. thats no longer my primary reason for continuing the hell i placed myself in but learning about it remains to be a reason.

unfortunately, there are some people who dont know the value of learning or the importance of increasing one's knowledge, be it a specific field or knowledge in general. they depend on other people for answers, for solutions. they dont think for themselves and instead use their brains for useless stuff. stuff that will never contribute a thing to the development of man or our society. well, it can contribute in a sense its something that should be avoided. i dont pity these people. i despise them but i dont blame them for their sorry state. i think all they need is therapy because there has to be something wrong with a person's state of mind if he or she has no interest in self-development or self-improvement (or not exerting any effort to pursue it). i think self-improvement and self-development is an essential part of being human. to not do anything to improve one self reduces a person into a mere mechanical being with a central processing unit that depends on external input to function. a computer is much more valuable than a person with no sense of self-improvement or development or a person with no interest in increasing one's knowledge (an exception would be that if that mechanical being has an exterior of a extremely hot and attractive female then that person has an "aesthetic value". a computer is still more useful but that person isnt exactly useless compared to other unthinking people).

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