Sunday, May 23, 2010

impaired sensory function

the way im using my mp3 player, it wont be a surprise if i lose my sense of hearing. the way im worrying about my eyes, its possible that i lose my sense of sight one day. i wonder what its like to be deaf and blind? not that i would want to be deaf and blind but i just wonder how one can get by with no sense of sight and no sense of hearing at the same time.

i remember waking up blind. i woke up in a dream where i was blind. it was just a very short dream. i woke up and everything was black. i tried to figure out where i was and after a few minutes i realized i was blind. after the realization, i woke up a second time and this time i really woke up. i probably had the dream because ive been worrying about my eyes lately (lately means months, almost a year). for some unexplained reason, im worrying that one day, the light will suddenly disappear from my eyes, leaving it to succumb to darkness. my eyes feel tired. it is as if ive used it to its limit or its about to reach its limit.

as for my ears, i have tinnitus. i hear this high pitch sound, usually in my left ear, ever since i was in grade school. not sure if its leading to hearing loss. one problem with my sense of hearing is that if im in a noisy environment, i easily get disoriented. i remember last year i was in a room with four people and two of them were talking loudly and the room somehow magnifies the sound of their voice. one person was trying to talk to me while the two were talking and the sound of three people talking appeared to me as the same as the sound of a crowd of people talking. it was as if there were more than three people in the room and i cant focus on what the person talking to me was saying. its like i absorb all the sounds in a given environment, the way a recorder does.

i think i overuse my sense of hearing and my sense of sight. in a public place, i easily get distracted by the sight and sounds because i keep looking around, trying to have a good sense of my surroundings, trying to know whats on my peripheral vision and what's behind me.

as for my other senses, well, as for my sense of touch, i dont like the sticky feeling. no one does but it really bothers me. thats why i hate this weather. i hate the oily feeling. i wake up in the middle of the night caused by the discomfort caused by the heat, the sticky feeling it creates on one's skin. as regards my sense of smell, i have a poor sense of smell. but someone once said i always smell good. i hope she's telling the truth because i really cant tell. i have no comments regarding my sense of taste.

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