Wednesday, June 15, 2011

it tastes bad so it must be good for one's health

for a person who doesnt mind dying or wont prevent death from visiting me, i sure have a weird way of showing it. i think its been a month since i started my veggie lunch diet. i only eat veggies and rice for lunch. and before this veggie lunch thingie, i already started adding healthy food to my diet (i regularly consume sweet potatoes, sweetened soy bean curd, milk, fruits, etc. if im eating in a fast food restaurant and they have a salad, i add the salad to my order just to have some veggies im my meal). i also try to minimize the meat i eat (but i still eat mcdonald's quarter pounder meal every week. i really cant quit it). now, i dont want to grow old because i dont want to live a long life but with what im doing, im actually extending on what could be a short existence on this planet.

this healthy food thing im doing began when i started feeling some physical pain (and the reason for the "only veggies for lunch" thingie was due to my stomach getting upset whenever i consume a certain type of meat. it started with an experiment whether it was the meat and based from my experiment, it was the meat and my stomach really didnt like it). due to the discomfort, i decided to become a bit health conscious. now, the healthy food diet did help. its like discovering the obvious. i guess this is the 2nd obvious thing ive confirmed. the other one was the joke i shared with a friend where one can get good grades through studying. we confirmed it was true when we were about to finish law school. anyway, healthy food is indeed good for you. but it seems thats not enough. right now, my f*ckin lower back hurts. its been hurting all day and i dont know why. my brain is suggesting exercise. really? isnt regularly consuming healthy food enough? im adding years to my life already, i dont want to extend it to a decade. crap. if i give in to the suggestion of my brain, im changing the course of my life and my cause of death. that is, if my brain can successfully convince me to exercise. right now, my idea for solving my back problem is to buy a comfy chair. its expensive but much more convenient than exercise. the only way im going to actually exercise regularly is if a young or middle-aged woman who can be aptly described as an athletic hottie gives me a very good reason to do it. not even a doctor can convince me to exercise even if my life depended on it. unless the doctor is some incredibly attractive female doctor...then....i would still say no but i might be open to some convincing if she has enough valid reasons. point is...i dont want to exercise. the physical discomfort brought by growing old is really annoying.

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