Friday, January 29, 2010

L-O-V-E's just another word i never learned to pronounce

im amazed that people still think im capable of loving another person. some people still expect that something will happen. that this love thing is for everybody. isnt it obvious that im not capable of such thing? its my defect, its my disability. i will admit that there might be something wrong with me (note, i said "might") but thats just the way i am. im a very rational (and self-centered) person and the irrational just doesnt work for me. i find it hard to deal with the irrational. the realm of the rational is my comfort zone and i will never go out of this zone for the simple reason that there's no point exploring outside its realm. so please, stop pestering me with nonsense and just accept the fact that people like me exist. im really getting tired of explaining and answering "why" questions that im surprised to learn happen to be really irrelevant and a waste of brain cells. i used to think all "why" questions are questions worth answering. im just really annoyed right now.

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