Monday, July 19, 2010

massive pain. sort of.

last week i had my impacted wisdom tooth removed. like my other impacted wisdom tooth, it needs to be removed through minor surgery. a friend asked why now when im studying for the bar because it meant it will take days to heal and would require me to really rest, hence, as much as possible, no studying. i said, well, its been almost a month since it started aching and it keeps getting worse each day. one full week after it was removed, i havent fully recovered. my recovery is taking a bit longer compared to my previous minor surgery. my left cheek still has a bit of swelling and half my tongue is still mildly numb. hopefully in the next couple of days, the swelling will be gone and my tongue will almost be back to normal. hopefully. im bound to lose more weight since i cant eat properly. well, i lose my appetite due to the inconvenience caused by the annoying tongue.

with the impacted wisdom tooth removed, i thought i can finally review for the bar without much worries. well, three of my teeth are hurting! two molars and one incisor. what the? one week of almost no studying and i have to jumpstart my brain already. i have to deal with more shit too? oh well. i will just have to figure out a way to deal with this pain without having to go to the dentist.

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