Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Quotes from Journey's End (FMA:B)

[Blindness is] supposed to be the punishment Truth deals to those who dream of the future - Colonel Roy Mustang

[Taking responsibility for what we've done] wont erase our sins, but we want to start with what we can do. - Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye

We cannot allow the death of the culture nor religion with its history. The death of a culture is the death of a people. Use your hands to save them from death. - Major Miles

I suppose new possibilities will excite everyone, no matter their age - Lieutenant General Grumman

A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because you cannot gain something without sacrificing something else in return. But once youve withstood pain and overcome it, you will gain a heart that is stronger than everything else. Yes. A Fullmetal heart. - Major Edward Elric

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