Saturday, May 21, 2011

if the world is ending, im throwing a party. but i think most people would be too busy panicking.

so the world will end. so what? i dont know what the big fuss is all about. with the rapture prediction, the end of the world became a hot topic...for the nth time. and im joining the fray.

let Jesus return, let the world crumble, why worry about it? why are people so afraid of judgment day or end of the world or whatever that will end life as we know it?

contrary to popular belief, i am a God fearing person and i do practice my faith. despite Stephen Hawking's comment implying there is no God or divine being (i think that's his latest comment based on his recent assessment of life, the universe and everything) which i accept to be perfectly reasonable and rational,  i still have faith in God. that's just the thing about faith, you just believe no matter what. but of course, i make sure i dont fall into blind adherence. that's making proper use of the God-given human will (unlike some Christians and other members of other religions). i pray every night, i go to mass every Sunday and i live my life trying to do things according to God's will. i make sure that im always guided by my conscience influenced by a spiritual self strengthened by faith in God. of course, being merely human, i am always susceptible to sin and temptation but thats part of practicing one' faith. its a never ending struggle to do more right than wrong, to live according to God's will (i now make a distinction between Church teachings and God's will. Church teachings are mostly valid except for some narrow-minded and inconsiderate positions which unavoidably raises doubts on the Church's authority on interpreting God's intentions). to strive to be perfect as part of the human thirst for the Infinite is supposed to be one of man's lifelong goals (if i remember my theology classes correctly).

going back to the end of the world talk, i dont know why people worry about it. if people live their lives in accordance to the faith they have, there shouldnt be any problems. a friend once commented, and i think ive posted an entry about it before, if the world does end, he knows that i would just sit down, relax and watch the world crumble. there's really nothing to worry about. if youre a sinner, youre doomed. if not, good for you. so why panic? if im going to hell, worrying about it and panicking wont get me anywhere except hell. im going to accept what God thinks i deserve.if there's an appeal process, then appeal. i doubt it. but just in case God is generous enough. i mean, a person has his or her entire life to do things according to God's will and on the last minute ask for a second chance or a chance to prove that he or she shouldnt go to hell or to not receive some kind of punishment? how can that person defend himself or herself in God's court.

anyway, if there's still time to repent, then repent. dont wait for the end of days to come. besides, at the end of the day during the end of the world, its God's call. as Stephen Hawking said "[w]e should seek the greatest value of our action". its weird that those who have a religion waste their time worrying about death and the end of the world instead of just living their lives in accordance to their faith. or is it just the Christians who worry? someone once said, "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." (this quote is attributed to Gandhi but its still disputed whether he actually said it. so until there's a conclusive determination who said it, i will attribute it to someone). maybe thats why all this end of the world talk generate a lot of buzz.

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