back in May 2011, my uncle said i was destined to be a lawyer. because despite the fact it wasnt my childhood dream, or it was never my wholehearted intention to become one, i still ended up being one. up until today i ask, how the hell did i become a fucking lawyer? actually, that is an interesting story. anyway, i guess it is really destiny. but why? i dont think im good at lawyering. i can be good enough if i try. and i rarely try. people expect great things from me. maybe i will be assassinated some day for something political. but before that happens, i need to find my passion. for now, its just mere destiny.
destiny. fate. im not even sure if i believe in it. i think i do. but like all things in my life, i doubt it. im insanely skeptical about everything.
maybe that explains why i like to just keep walking around without a plan. im secretly hoping to bump into a girl that would make me suddenly exclaim "ah! this girl is my destiny". where a simple eye contact, or a sweet smile means something incredibly deep. ive had simple eye contacts and received sweet smiles in return from girls ive met somewhat randomly but none of them were meaningful. the closest thing to something that had a semblance of substance was when i keep accidentally seeing this girl for five consecutive days. i just dropped by to grab a snack in a nearby food stall, "poof!" there she is. i slip inside the computer area to browse something on the internet, there she is printing something. i was just passing by the corridor, she would suddenly come out of the room i had no idea she was in. it was insane because i rarely bump into her prior to that five consecutive day period. what does it mean? why do i keep seeing her? the timing was really perfect. and peculiar. because these fortunate accidents happened after an unfortunate incident. when weve decided to call off the thing we decided to do. i asked for a second chance. she was determined to really end it. or so i think. the first time i bumped into her, i felt really bad because i felt im now looking at the girl that ive lost forever. and she's someone i cant wait forever to have me again. i realized, if i cant wait for her to be ready for it, i really dont like her as much as i thought. just like the girl that ive searched and waited for ten fucking years and in the end, she was just a big disappointment. or that girl that drove me crazy that when things ended, i got severely depressed for months. so much for destiny there.
so maybe im not destined to be with a girl? hm. well, aside from the fact that ive never been attracted to guys, i feel harassed when guys check me out. i cringe at the thought. i enjoy sticking my P in a V. i love boobies. when i was younger, my best experience was riding the Tricycle. there really should be a title belt for this achievement. i just happened to be at the right place at the right time. well, if were talking about experience points. but life isnt really about gaining experience points.
anyway, a friend once told me life isnt a romantic comedy. its not like, things go great, everything is like clockwork, then after all the issues and conflicts in between, its inevitable that in the end, things will work out like magic. maybe relationships are as ordinary as starting out as friends then growing to like and eventually love that person, then actually striving to make things work. if it doesnt work, go your separate ways. i dont know. ive never been a person afflicted with the ordinary. that's why someone said im like the Curious Case of Tristofer Troisvallees. If its different, interesting and challenging, life automatically gives it to me.
maybe destiny isnt what the movies portray it to be. maybe its as simple as meeting someone under peculiar circumstances or in a somewhat unexpected time. someone you will grow to like. someone you'll eventually want to be together with, do activities with, someone that complements or supplements you. or someone that you enjoy the company with. someone kickass or someone insanely incredible. someone you will want to love unconditionally. i mean, what are the chances of meeting someone that you really like, without any pretensions or underlying motives? just grow to like someone in sheer simplicity with a level of connection that is inordinately deep. can destiny be that simple, without all the drama and wonderful fleeting moments? because if it is, all you have to do is do what everyone is doing, or what most people do. you just keep meeting people until you find that perfect match. you dont wait for fortunate accidents to happen. you dont look for magical moments to come your way. you just try to be open and explore every possibility and hope that magical moment will come to you. if it doesnt, just hope that eventually you will find that perfect fish in the sea. destiny is as simple as reducing those millions of fish to around 50 or less. ok, maybe not 50. 25 or 18? youre lucky to find it after six to seven tries. youre extremely lucky if you only get three strikes. i feel bad for the person who finds it on the first try. really? just one fish? just one V for your entire life? meh. whatever works.