Wednesday, December 07, 2011

i think i injured my left knee.

why the hell did i decide to sprint last saturday? sometimes i really have the urge to run. when im in the mood while walking, i walk faster. while walking faster, i get the urge to jog. while jogging, i get the urge to run. when i run, i get the urge to run faster (the same way when im intoxicated and im on a clear highway). and since i have a very low stamina, i just run fast for more or less a minute.

last saturday, i just felt like running even for a short while. during my short run, i thought my knee was just being a pain in the ass. the day after, i thought its just some sore muscle. it even improved yesterday. there was still some slight discomfort but i felt it subsiding. so i went for a jog again yesterday. i havent even completely started i can imagine my left knee saying "dont you do it motherfucker". i started to jog anyway and my knee sent me signals its in pain. it was tolerable so i ignored it (i have this mentality of pushing my body parts to the limit. if it cant handle the pressure, its not good enough for me and im disappointed to have such a body part). after some time, i guess i got used to the pain so i didnt feel much pain or discomfort. i thought, at least its not making a popping or clicking sound so it must just be some sore muscle (my left knee sometimes clicks when i walk. it just happened in some random day). 

now the day after, theres some slight swelling just below the knee cap. i can still walk and i can still bend my leg but there's a slight discomfort and a sharp pain when i twist my leg in a certain way. crap. left knee was serious. sorry for not listening to you left knee but you have to admit, right knee is fine and you have to keep up with it. left knee might be saying "fuck you man! me and right knee are a pair. dont you fucking test me again or im going to break you". im tempted to just walk later but i think it would be better to skip a few days and allow my knee to rest (and figure out whether its really an injury or not).

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