Saturday, November 13, 2010

12 long years of struggling against obsolescence

our home PC is already 12 years old, going for 13 and most likely will reach and finish 13 years.

it malfunctioned yesterday so i had it repaired earlier this day. the reason it gets stuck on the boot screen was because its floppy disk drive was already malfunctioning. if it didnt malfunction, i wouldnt have known that such disk drive still existed in our PC's CPU. i stopped using floppy diskettes a long time ago. i think i was still using it back in college but as early as 3rd year college, i knew that the USB flash drive was the future of portable storage devices. back then it cost around P1300 or P1500 for a thumb drive with a only a few megabytes of disk storage.

anyway, we bought our PC back in 1998 with a Windows 98 operating system. i think it only had a 2gig hard disk. that hard disk crashed in 2003, i think because i downloaded too many songs from napster that i reached its maximum storage space, leaving no room for the OS to operate. i remember leaving the PC on overnight while it downloaded the songs using a 56k dial-up modem. when its hard disk crashed, i had the PC upgraded. the hard disk was upgraded to 20gig and its processor to Pentium 4. i think its RAM was upgraded too. the upgrade costs around P14,000. then a few years later, i think around 2006, since the 20gig hard disk wasnt sufficient, i added another hard disk with a 250 gig capacity. then earlier this year, april 2010, it's video card finally gave in. so i upgraded its video card and added another hard disk, this time only 40 gig, just to replace the 20 gig hard disk as its C drive since the 20 gig hard disk is showing signs of having difficulties in processing stuff and might crash anytime soon. i think the upgrade was around P2000 to P3000. as for the recent malfunction, no repair was needed since no one has used the floppy drive for years and no one will use it anymore. the only thing that needed to be done was deactivate it (which i did improperly thats why i had to bring it to the repairshop).

its keyboard, printer, speaker, soundcard, motherboard and power supply are still the same parts from 1998. its original CD drive has been deactivated since i needed the slot for the hard disk but its still functioning (the newer CD drive is the one that's showing signs that it might stop working sooner or later). its dial-up modem is still there and i dont think it ever broke down. so its still functioning too (if there will come a time that i will use it). its motherboard is so old that it's USB slots are at the back of the CPU (and there's only two so i had to buy additional USB slots) and its difficult to find a compatible RAM for it since it might no longer be in production anymore. the monitor has only been replaced once and it was still back in college. so were still using a CRT monitor.

i still remember the day this PC came to our house. i was so excited and relieved. excited because i already had a love for gadgets since then and the PC back in the 90s was a wonderful creature. relieved because i will no longer struggle using my typewriter. i call it my typewriter because i was the only one that used it. i remember going to the mall to buy its ribbon.  

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