Tuesday, August 31, 2010

september in a few minutes

in a few minutes, my hate-hate relationship with august will be over. this morning, while i was on my way to attend the preweek lecture, the rain suddenly poured. got wet from the waist down (had to come back home during lunch time to change my pants and soggy socks and shoes). the rain stopped the moment i boarded the jeepney (i waited for about 10 minutes). fortunately, the readings werent damaged even if my bag got a little wet. my umbrella isnt really that useful.

in other news, i just checked the online news and the government officials arent done blamestorming. its annoying but i dont think there's any other way. someone has to be liable for last week's hostage crisis. i think blamestorming is how things are done here in order to start solving things. something goes wrong, lets put a lot of time and effort figuring out who's to blame.

anyway, im tired and i have coughing fits. instead of reading the news, ill just watch this instead (i used to have the habit of reading the online news before going to sleep. i want to know what happened during the day before i go to sleep. also used to have the habit of waking around 5am to play mafia wars).

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

bills, bills, bills

in less than 24 hours since the hostage crisis ended, two bills are being pushed by the legislative department. one is the re-imposition of the death penalty and the other is a news blackout for hostage taking situations and other probably similar sensitive police operations. i dont agree with both. i dont think the death penalty is a deterrent. my position has always been that death is a favor, not a punishment. savage criminals arent afraid to die. Mendoza, allegedly (since i dont know if he really said it or not, this was what some news item said), was prepared to die. people who commit heinous crimes arent afraid of death (i think some petty criminals arent afraid of death. they resort to a life of crime because they've already been pushed to their limit. some are just plain lazy and just wants a quick buck). i still think life imprisonment is a much worse punishment than death penalty (although i dont think penal instutitions are effective deterrents or truly useful for rehabilitating people, its the best humans can come up with at the moment). as for the news blackout, its too much. i think the better option is for the media and the PNP to set-up a protocol or procedure that must be followed in covering such situations (like not airing a live broadcast of the incident). the media should be more responsible with their actions and be given guidelines and not be unduly restrained. the reason im not in favor of a news blackout is because one always has to assume that anything can be abused.

point is, dont pass laws that arent well thought or didnt undergo in some kind of research or consultation that reflects it will actually accomplish what it seeks to remedy or cure or something to that effect. it just muddles up the philippine legal system and its really annoying to learn laws that arent well made. but if these bills were products of research and consultations (or some other valid ways that aid and substantiate proposed legislation), then i guess there's really nothing much to oppose about it since the presumption is that the data that supports it means it good and worthy to become law.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

its hard not to feel bad about this

i was trying not to comment on the hostage drama yesterday since i think everyone has said their piece about it and my comments wouldnt be different but since i commented on the Ducat hostage taking incident last 2007 and im trying not to go back to sleep (this recurring insomnia is really a pain in the neck), im going to write something about it.

i learned about the hostage-taking incident as early as noon yesterday. when i learned the hostages were Hong Kong nationals, i immediately thought what T. Failon would say hours later in TV Patrol, what's going to be the effect of this incident in Philippine international relations (i think Failon said what's going to be the repercussions in the international arena or something to that effect)? of course it would have a negative effect but up to what extent? it also made me think, has there been any successful hostage-taking incident, where the hostage-taker was able to get his demands or get a good deal? why do people keep resorting to this criminal act when its not really a good way of claiming demands? maybe he just wants to get the people's attention and be heard? well, the act of taking someone hostage has an international relations origin and primarily used for political ends so it has been tool to make a party take notice and listen to one's demands but its been used for political reasons and not just to air private grievances (so in a way, Ducat had the concept right but his choice of hostages werent).

anyway, i was able to watch the coverage from the point Mendoza's brother was arrested up to the point Mendoza was shot and some of the remaining hostages were rescued. while Mendoza's brother was being arrested, the reporter keeps saying that the police have said that they are worried that Mendoza might be able to see the arrest incident and agitate him. the reporter repeatedly mentioned this. then why do they keep airing it? couldnt they just broadcast the arrest incident footage later, when its "safer" to broadcast it? was the media waiting for the government to tell them to stop the live broadcast of the arrest incicent? shouldnt the PNP and the media have a protocol for broadcasting sensitive police operations like this? weve had some notable hostage taking situations in the past, the PNP and the media should have set-up a way to properly broadcast this kind of operations.

Mendoza's brother shouldnt have resisted arrest either. if he's worried that his arrest isnt valid, we have legal procedures to remedy that. if he's worried about whether something "bad" might happen to him, all he had to do was cooperate peacefully, tell the media he is being arrested, inform the media who are his arresting officers and tell the media where the police is taking him. i think thats some sufficient safeguard to make sure his arresting officers dont do anything stupid.

as for the Assault team's manner of taking an offensive stance, i think the footage speaks for itself. im no expert on hostage crisis situations but i think our police is still very much insufficiently trained. as for the negotiators, i dont know how the negotiations went but the fact it took that long, an improvement in negotiating skills should be done (they know the hostage taker was one of their own so they should have thought of ways how to handle the negotiations suited for him, even the offensive operation). but i would have to praise them for their cautiousness. or maybe not. some members of the assault team didnt have bullet proof vests and one had his police cap worn backwards (some of those who entered the bus while Mendoza was still alive werent wearing any protective gear. thats how brave our policemen are. or maybe its the latest technology thats why i didnt see it). but i think its still good news that some hostages were still rescued after Mendoza was shot.

as for Mendoza being shot, my initial reaction then was, why the crap did they shoot Mendoza? i would rather have him prosecuted than be killed. killing him is doing him a favor. now he doesnt have to worry about his non-reinstatement. he will no longer feel pain, suffering, regret, etc. if i was Hong Kong, i would like to see the killer of my nationals prosecuted and incarcerated. but then again, if i was the sniper who shot him (and i do mean, if i was the sniper, im not saying this is what the sniper thought. the sniper could just be probably itching to have the incident over with), i probably would have shot him too. my information was he is heavily armed, i have a clear shot and only seconds (or maybe a split second) to make a decision. he could have some sort of explosives tied all over his body and if allowed to be arrested, he could detonate himself and cause further damage. but then again, i think sniper's are just given the go signal to shoot when they have the chance and doesnt really exercise that much discretion in performing their duties.

its easy to criticize but when youre actually there, things are really different. even the field reporters fail to see what's obvious to an objective observer. its difficult not to be caught in the tension and drama when youre actually in the middle of it. judgment's impaired, time is limited. im not saying this is an excuse because it reflects inadequate training and preparation. also lack of sufficient safeguards (thats how you deal with high tension situations). but taking these into consideration, i think the effort and attempt to do it properly is close to satisfactory. the policemen involved deserve some credit for being able to rescue some of the hostages and taking down the hostage taker but shouldnt be allowed to repeat their shortcomings and should do something to address it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

eating habits

i like KFC's california maki twister. unfortunately, its not that affordable so i will have to prohibit myself from craving for it for now (i hope when they say limited time, they mean 3 months. i hate it when i go to the counter of a fast food restaurant only to be told that the product i intend to eat is already "phased out." jollibee does this to me most of the time). i think it was the first KFC commercial that enticed me to buy their product. i usually dont like KFC's commercial (when im not in a mood to tolerate the commercial, i tell my siblings to change the channel. thats how much i dont like their commercials. im not saying they're bad, i just really dont like them and that they should hire experts to do their commercials). but then again, now that i think about it, it wasnt the way the commercial was done that enticed me try their product. it was because it said california maki. i like japanese food. so by merely saying what the product was would have sufficed. the only KFC commercial (alleged KFC commercial) i liked is the one done by Jun Ji-Hyun (it was one of my first posts in this blog).

anyway, if there's anything that really brings out my selfishness, its food. my "i dont care about anyone else" self really comes out. im that guy one wouldnt want to bring in a camping trip when the food is scarce. not that i will let others starve while i eat the limited supply of food (although there is a good probability), its just that it really becomes difficult for me to share food when im really hungry or when i really like the food. someone will have to remind me to share and eat sparingly. or another solution is hide the food from me (something my siblings do).

im also a picky and moody eater. i remember my OLA teammates would ask me if im craving for anything before we go out for lunch. i usually like burgers, fries, pizza, chicken and anything fried (so im not that difficult to go out and eat with. problem is when im craving for a particular burger or pizza). im not a fan of soup (this surprises a lot of people and i dont know why) and food with a lot of liquids. this is why my mother finds it difficult to cook food since im really, really picky lately. and she insists that i cant just keep eating fried food. its not that i wont eat what's available, its just that i wouldnt eat a lot of it. i dont know when this habit developed. i used to eat anything thats edible (except food that tastes like liver). i really do eat anything back then, even leftovers. i still eat leftovers but not as much as i used to. i also used to have this habit of not having any leftovers on my plate. as long as there's still something edible on my plate, i will eat it. well, i grew up to be annoyingly picky.

i also have a big appetite but thats not really true all the time. i easily lose my appetite when im busy (this is one example of a not a hard and fast rule since there can be exceptions, primarily based on mood). thats why when i was still working and i have lots of stuff to do, i tend to forget to have lunch (or would rather not have lunch). i remember when i was taking classes that were scheduled 3-4 hours straight and the last professor had the tendency to extend for 1 to 2 more hours, im no longer in the mood to eat dinner. thats why i easily lose weight when im busy or i have lots of stuff to do. this habit just developed recently (and recently means latter half of this decade)

i also dont like my food to be hot. not that i like them cold but i dont like it hot because i easily burn my tongue (and half my tongue is still injured. after the exams, im going to have this checked). i used to have the habit of smelling my food before eating it. people keep saying its rude (because they notice it when i attend parties). so i stopped doing it. i think this is one of the few instances i listened to other people. i have the nasty habit of doing the opposite what people tell me (or whatever i tell myself).

i just wanted to say that i like KFC's california maki twister and i hope it will still be available after september but i ended up writing about eating habits. i never lost my talkativeness. it just transformed into written form.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

i remember watching this during crim law rev class

its been two years since i watched this during class (and probably four years since i watched a Jun Ji-Hyun movie). if i had a laptop, an internet connection and there was Youtube when i was a college freshman, i wouldnt sleep in class

and if i were taking classes today, these would be the commercial vids i would probably be watching (and distract my seatmate at the same time). at least these vids wont make the people seated behind me wonder what im watching (or find it a bit "scandalous" to watch during class).

zone out boy

its been a while since ive been a "zone out boy." back then, i zone out so often that friends usually ask me if im ok or if im alright. maybe they just got used to me zoning out and got tired of asking. i always say im ok so why bother asking? but then again, i usually zone out when im in a crowd (that's something i havent been in in a while. i think). its when a lot of people talk at the same time and i cant keep up because i want to catch what everybody's saying (im greedy, i want it all. even meaningless conversations). thats why ive always been "effective" in small group conversations. and speaking with a loud voice is really bothersome, it drains a lot of energy (a friend once described me as an energy saving entity, where all my movements are calculated to use the least amount of energy for any given undertaking, that i dont make unnecessary movements)

i miss zoning out. its usually when i get immersed in an idea or theory. i havent had any idea or theory that captivated me so much that i just cant help but zone out and immerse myself in it to engage in some intellectual and/or philosophical exercise. thats why i think ive grown stupid after i graduated from college.

to digress, i remember my english professors complaining about my "rude" sleeping habits. i was seated in the front row of the class and 70-80% of the whole semester, i was sleeping. i think my english professors started complaining midway through the semester. one of them said i should drink coffee before going to class and wished that Kafka's Metamorphosis happens to me. the other english professor just couldnt take it anymore that she asked me to explain why i sleep in class. after explaining to her why i sleep (i dont remember what i said), she said that my problem was i was suffering from philosophical boredom. her reply to me didnt really help in getting rid of my sleeping habit. years later, i found out why i tend to sleep in class. im not sure what my english professor meant by philosophical boredom but i think the reason i sleep in class is because im really sleepy and bored. it just so happens that i easily give in to sleep. i dont see anything philosophical about it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


a few years back, probably more than half a decade, i heard from a news program that one man stabbed to death his drinking buddy. why? they had an argument on which one is prettier: Ara Mina or Joyce Jimenez (or probably sexier. i dont really care since i dont like both of them). i dont remember which one the assailant liked, whether he is for Ara Mina or Joyce Jimenez but my reaction then was, "another one bites the dust." guys kill each other because of women. if i remember correctly, thats the reason the idea of a "best man" in weddings was conceived (i dont like the way this sentence is constructed...but im not going to revise it because im too lazy to revise. sometimes i wish laziness can be a valid excuse), to ensure that the groom will not have his bride stolen from him. going back to the drinking buddies, i thought to myself, they must have been die hard fans of the two celebs. just because your drinking buddy disagreed with you or insisted that someone else is prettier, youre going to stab him to death already? thats some intense admiration.

ive been a fan of a lot of things. but ive never been a rabid fan to the point that i would do something similar or be offended (well, maybe i would be offended if the comment was unreasonable). ive been reading comments on Youtube about fans defending whatever their object of admiration is and some are really rabid. they infer stuff based from their vast knowledge of the object of admiration as if they are an authority on the person itself (its taking the hobby of observation too far and yes, i consider observing people as a hobby. half a decade ago, someone described me as "the watcher" and a law school friend said that if the world ended, i would probably be the only one who would calmly sit down and watch it crumble before my eyes). they start to hate whatever runs counter to their addiction. this is common to fans of celebrities and fictional characters. they have the tendency to momentarily lose their grip on reality. not that im complaining since their comments are interesting to read (i believe its a fact that crazy people are funny. well, theyre funny to be watched from a safe distance). my point is, never ever lose yourself on things you love. thats just not the point of intensely liking something. or intensely wanting something. you get hooked on something because you have this intense liking for it but never let the intensity take over you. losing one's grip for brief moments is okay but always make sure that it stays that way. that it never goes to the point of crossing the line toward crazytown (really crazytown? cant think of any word better than this?) and do something like the Ara Mina or Joyce Jimenez fan. its just pathetic to be destroyed by the thing that brings you sheer delight or happiness (reminds me of an earlier blog entry about love).

moving to the bar exams (yes, im going to connect this topic to the bar exams like a 4 year old connecting the dots to see a dinosaur when its supposed to be a car, "yeah sure its supposed to end up as a car but if i connect the dots this way, i could produce an image that is somewhat like a dinosaur. or a dinosaur that just underwent plastic surgery to resemble a car that just crashed"), the experience of taking the exam and being a fan can be somewhat similar. some people lose their grip on reality. they develop an intense desire to pass the exam that some are taken over by their own intensity. there are lots of "horror" stories of barristers who suddenly snap and lose it. probably 1/16 of these stories are real (got to throw in a fraction and i was in the mood to throw in 1/16. sorry 1/3, maybe next time). its just an exam. like being a fan of a celeb or fictional character, one has to constantly remind the fan that the celebrity status is most often acquired because its his or her job (as for the fictional character, the fan shouldnt be reminded of it). and being a job for the celebrity, its really no different from other jobs or an office job (ok, maybe there are tons of differences but still, being an actress or singer is still an occupation, a reality that has to be pounded on the head of some fans. their claims or defensive comments will sound less crazy if they take it into consideration). the bar exam is just an exam. and one is given five chances to take it and hopefully pass it. thats very lenient already since some things in life, you only get one shot and if you screw it up, you lose it forever. and if for some very unfortunate reason you strike out and forever disallowed to take the bar exams, its just an obstacle to your ideal profession (it has to be your ideal profession if youre willing to take the bar exams five times. or some promise of some sort that deserves to be depicted in MMK, like swearing in someone's grave that one will be a lawyer no matter what. if thats the case, there are other countries that would probably allow a foreigner to practice law in their country if you pass their bar exam. if not, then migrate there, change citizenship, study law again, take the exam again. point is, if one really wants to be a lawyer, there are other unconventional yet legitimate and legal ways. its burdensome but thats just life's way of saying "if you just dont get it that lawyering isnt for you because youre supposed to become a rockstar and insist on going against what life has in store for you, then go ahead, youre always free to decide you stubborn mule" said in a foreign accent, depending on the country of choice where one will insist to be a lawyer after failing five times here). there are other jobs out there and a lot of people dont get their dream jobs. life goes on for them. sure it sucks but is that something thats supposed to stop you from living? well, for some the answer is yes or maybe but despite the awesomeness of being a lawyer, there are still a lot of other awesome stuff to be in life. well, there just has to be because if there werent any other awesome professions, then everyone would want to be lawyers (or they're just anti-awesome).

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Pineapple Matchmaker Duel Incident

[During a sword fight]
Marshall: Woe is me! I'm not married yet! My ovaries are shrinking! Ted! If you wanted to be married by now, you would be, but you're not. And you know why? Because you're irrationally picky, you're easily distracted and you're utterly anhedonic.
Ted: Anhedonic?
Marshall: Anhedonic. It means you can't enjoy anything.
Ted: The hell I can't. I'm enjoying this.
Marshall: I know, this rules!

Lily: Don't Ted-out about it.
Ted: Did you just use my name as a verb?
Barney: Oh, yeah, we do that behind your back. "Ted-out": to overthink. Also see "Ted-up". "Ted-up": to overthink with disastrous results. For example, "Billy Tedded-up when he..."
Ted: All right, I get it!

Barney: Your brain screws you up, Ted, it gets in the way. It happened with Robin, it happened with "Half-Boob", and its gonna keep on happening until you power down that bucket of neuroses inebriation-style.

Marshall: [after Barney pushes a shot to Ted] Interesting...
Ted: What... You want me to do a shot?
Barney: Oh no... I want you to do five shots.
Marshall: More interesting.

Ted: [takes first shot] Let me tell you something about this brain, okay?
[takes second shot]
Ted: Pure alcohol cannot stop this brain.
[takes third shot]
Ted: This brain, dear mortals, is no ordinary brain.
[takes fourth shot]
Ted: This is a superbrain.
[takes fifth shot]
Ted: This brain is unstoppable. This brain...
Older Ted: And that's all I remember.

Friday, August 13, 2010

so this explains why my recent blog entries were about women im addicted to

i was looking for a previous blog entry on me being a supposed former infatuation junkie and i couldnt find any. thats odd. i could have sworn i posted a blog entry having that as a topic. i browsed drafts (i dont delete some blog entries that i dont publish. might be useful someday) and i didnt find it. well, i didnt really search thoroughly. the reason im looking for it is because whatever i wrote there might be useful now. and since it apparently doesnt exist, might as well write it now for future reference. so note to future self, here's the supposed former infatuation junkie blog entry. the date today isnt easy to forget.

so im a supposed former infatuation junkie. i think i started becoming an infatuation junkie way back in high school. i started becoming a former infatuation junkie during the latter part of college. i realized that im a supposed former infatuation junkie during law school. or maybe earlier. i dont really know when exactly but what i do know is that i thought i stopped being an infatuation junkie during the latter years of my college life because i dont recall having any infatuation for anyone during that time. or so i think. this is one of my problems. i cant really say for sure sometimes because i have the tendency to hide things from myself. i can keep secrets from myself ala Fight Club (sort of). its not that im not aware, i just purposely forget (got the idea when i read about the Russian who had a very good memory that it became so burdensome he developed a system for him to forget things). like the scene in Inception where Cobb and Ariadne were in the elevator. its simply compartmentalizing your memories and keeping them locked somewhere beyond the reach of consciousness (the same way as compartmentalizing one's personalities which is best illustrated in the Father in FMA:B and probably the reason for my inconsistencies since i nurture personalities that contradict each other. well, i like to see as many viewpoints as possible). this is different from altering your memories. got the idea from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. although in that movie, memories were erased, i thought of another idea from the process. now why would one alter one's memory? well, theyre not irreversibly altered but...its like the one in Harry Potter where one can tamper with one's memory in order to protect one's secrets in case someone tries to see the memory. im not saying i think someone can see my memory but...point is, it has its application in the real world. i just think im starting to sound like a crazy person. well, i prefer to be seen as someone who likes to tweak at the capacity of the human brain and using myself as a test subject.

after digressing, i havent really figured out how to deal with being an infatuation junkie (future self would probably say, "really? wow, this entry is useful. you gots to give me more than this past self or...well, i cant actually threaten you can i?"

i just have an indulgent personality (which was my answer to my college friend in 2004 while on board a taxi passing Ortigas (damn you Ortigas!) when he asked: why are you afraid of being in a relationship? well, if i posted the draft of the blog entry that precedes this blog entry (it precedes it in a chronological manner), my answer to that friend is really a half-truth). i think my being an infatuation junkie developed because i was placed in a school exclusively for boys. i mean, ive started having crushes when i was in grade one and had a new crush every year. seriously, every year, different girl. then high school, i enrolled in an all boys school (which i sort of blame for sucking the life out of me. thats when i changed from being a cheerful, hyperactive kid to a...energy saving, weird and bored hater). one just cant be happy in such a place (i guess it messed me up beyond repair).

thank God for TV, i can still see females of the human specie that i could possibly have a crush on. well, it was the next best thing. i just had this need to like someone i guess and i cant find any in my high school obviously. no one in the neighborhood either. and thats how i became an infatuation junkie. that infatuation lasted for years. when i shared this to a college friend (because we were running out of things to talk about), she first looked at me with disbelief and when she realized i wasnt kidding, she said she will never see me the same way again. years later (which was last year), not sure if she noticed, she and some other college friends would find this infatuation in "my" laptop. and my reply was "i dont know how it got there. probably my sister's." i got a "yeah right" reply from one of them but seriously, i dont know how it got there. must have placed it there unconsciously because i wasnt even aware that its inside the laptop.    

now i understand why my infatuation junkie self kicked in. its because im "locked up"! i discouraged myself from going out because pretty women distract me (and they distract me more when they sit near me and are wearing intoxicating perfumes. luckily i havent encountered anyone wearing a raspberry scent. i would probably flip. just thinking about the scent is really driving me nuts. why does she have...anyways). avoiding distractions didnt actually help. now i see the problem. i cant go out because i get distracted (and the reason i get distracted easily because im avoiding "distractions" of the persistent kind. i havent been in hermit mode for quite some time so that probably aggravated things. why the hell did i abandon hermit mode? wait, yeah, i remember, something happened in 2009. damn it. i was conditioning myself back then for the bar already. i just had to disobey myself. Life, whatever your fucking plan is, it better be good because i think my plan is great but you just keep interfering). if i continue to stay indoors, infatuation junkie self kicks in. pretty women are my fucking weakness (if i like women that much, why do i appear to have an aversion toward them? that can be answered by referring to the blog entry that precedes this post chronologically. unfortunately, it contains sensitive information so i didnt post it. without the blog entry, the answer is obvious anyway. it has to do with something like Superman not exposing himself to kryptonite. i never liked Superman. always been a Batman person. well, more of Marvel person so Batman was the only one i like in the DC Universe. again, i digress).

damn it. there's no cure for something i dont want to be cured of. its either i give in to the "distraction" of the persistent kind so i wont be easily distracted when i go out or...there is no or. wait, there is. or i continue indulging until i get fed up (thats not really an option now is it?). the latter suggestion is stupid (and so is the former. sort of). my first infatuation lasted for 2-3 years. but then again, that was when i was "locked-up" in an all boy school. i mean, i had to keep my sanity within the sausage fest walls. a possible solution is to purposely forget my current infatuation but i havent really tried blocking an infatuation before. i just let it run its course and die out on its own. this could last for weeks or months. i'll probably figure someting out.

i think this blog entry just confirmed the fact that im a girl. well, im a lesbian, a girl attracted to girls. well, a lesbian stuck in a guy's body so it kinda works out. actually, this just confirms im very, very weird.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ineffable felicity

Saw her pretty face a few days ago on the MGM channel accidentally. i was switching channels and it only took a second for me to recognize its her, Ms. Hepburn, the authority on being lovely, in one of her movies i havent seen (The Unforgiven). unfortunately, i dont have the time to watch it and my siblings dont like old movies. so im hoping that i could watch it on its next scheduled air date: August 13, around 6am. i just realized that August 13 is a Friday. an unlucky day in an unlucky month only means...2 negative forces...so it cancels each other out...therefore...the fact that i can watch Audrey Hepburn on that day just proves its a lucky day already.

"I decided, very early on, just to accept life unconditionally; I never expected it to do anything special for me, yet I seemed to accomplish far more than I had ever hoped. Most of the time it just happened to me without my ever seeking it."— Audrey Hepburn

"There is more to sex appeal than just measurements. I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. I can convey just as much sex appeal, picking apples off a tree or standing in the rain." — Audrey Hepburn

As a matter of fact I rather feel like expressing myself now and I could certainly use a release” - Audrey Hepburn as Jo Stockton (Funny Face)

"On the one hand maybe I’ve remained infantile, while on the other I matured quickly, because at a young age I was very aware of suffering and fear.
" — Audrey Hepburn

a graceful lady with an adorable smile, possessing wisdom coupled with innocence. just doesnt quite capture it. it is hard to express how lovely we think you are.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

HD stands for Hypnotic Dancing

cant believe these vids can make my mind go blank. wait, i can! i think this is the only instance where i dont mind watching something colorful (over and over and over again) even if im a fan of dull colors because the colors are attached to something visually wonderful.

should i be thankful for the spice girls? because if not for them, there probably wont be such a thing as a pop girl group like this. the spice girls are like the great grandmothers of pop girl groups of today. or probably their long lost ancestors. and who said a girl group should have 5 members? there's no such thing as too many girls in a girl group. well, maybe there is but it has to be decided using Justice Potter Stewart's standard found in Jacobellis v. Ohio (1964). when is there too many girls in a girl group? well, we'll know it when we see it but right now, too many girls in a girl group is not yet an issue ripe for determination since the current composition of girl groups pose no controversy at the moment.  

when i get sad, i stop being sad and watch girls generation instead. true story. and i thought Youtube HD is only useful for watching the Resident Evil: Afterlife trailer

Saturday, August 07, 2010

'cause i am whatever you say i am

Ten years of Eminem. or maybe a little more than ten. i started listening to Eminem when i was in high school (1999). i bought his "Slim Shady LP" album (cassette tape! i started really buying CDs when i was in college. i only have less than a handful of CDs when i graduated from high school and they were the type of CDs i wish i wont be caught dead with) after seeing the "My Name Is" music video on MTV. 

his latest music video is probably the best music video of all time! primarily because Megan Fox is in it. i could have just posted the music video and said Megan Fox is hot but i decided to say a little something about Eminem because i realized that i have been listening to Eminem for more than a decade and i still enjoy listening to his music and lyrical style (which i think have matured and evolved over the years but remained distinctly eminem).

anyway, this video will serve as one of the things that will keep me sane for the remaining review weeks. just a while ago i thought of becoming a taxman after days of reviewing taxation law. i was serious in considering it

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

To believe in something, doubt everything. In the end, you have to grab your own luck. Rhythm is essential.


Source: The Bebop Attic

#1 “Food for thought”


    Nothing lasts forever. All things must come to an end. That is the so-called way of Nature.

    It's rather sudden, but this is the last episode, so I would like to take this opportunity to remember all the things that have happened and think about them.

    Food is very important. After all, you are what you eat. Suppose there was a human clone of me, and he had never eaten anything other than hamburgers. That guy and I would genetically be the same but we would be completely different people.

    "Hamburger Spike" might be more short-tempered than me, or might be the kind of guy that goes to church on Sundays; he might be a violent bounty head, or a man that irons his white shirts before wearing them. At any rate, the "Hamburger Spike" would be a different person from me.

    In other words, when choosing your food you have to think about it carefully. I'll have the boiled lobster miso.

#2 “Fools gold”


    There's a lot to “bonsai”. It's not as easy as just cutting; each bonsai has its own personality, and you have to let those live.

    A foolish person will try to cut anything and everything off just the same. They just cut and cut and cut the parts that stick out. Yet those parts that stick out are tis personality and its true originality. People who can't even figure that out don't have the right to hold scissors. I feel sorry for the bonsai.

#3 “Que Sera Sera”


    I hate men with no thought, but I hate men who force their thoughts on others even more. I hate men with pyorrhea too. You can’t even kiss a man if his breath is bad. I love dangerous men, but I had to think about the ones that are too dangerous. I hate weak men; I love men who know their own weakness. I love optimistic men; I can't imagine trying to predict what happens in advance and then living pessimistically… Life, no matter how it falls, will probably turn out exactly as it was going to turn out.

#4 “Heartless World”


    Space is very fast. Ed is traveling to find the truth of space. When I walk barefooted, it feels electric. The network sea is so spacious that there are lots of fish. When I put something on my head I get excited.

    When I think there is a truth and look for it, I can’t find it. When I don't think there is a truth, I can't find either. I can't get a hold of what I want, but I did get a hold of what I need.

#5 “Key of life”


    Humans live by their heart’s beat; the beat is a systematic repetition. In other words, rhythm. Ideed, whatever you're doing rhythm is the most important. When walking, when eating, when fighting, when making love, when talking… rhythm is essential.

#6 “Doggy dog world”


    Hey, Ein. Hey, hey, Ein. Why are you so furry? I know! Because you're sensitive to the cold!

    Hey Ein, why aren't you laughing? Ah, that is because you're nihilistic. Hey Ein, why are you so happy? Ah, it's because Ed is happy, isn't it?

#7 “Walk this way”


    "The greatest respect that writers can give their readers is to not write anything that they expect." That's what Goethe said. He also said this, "whether it's a manmade or natural piece of work, we have to pay special attention to its original intent."

    That guy says some good things. Who would've thought that I would quit being a cop and become a bounty hunter? All my friends are surprised, saying, "You totally betrayed my expectations."

    That's fine. I want to do something that nobody else would think of. Seeing things you’ve never seen, hearing stories you never heard; my comrades enjoy it quite a bit.

#8 “A natural woman”


    I hate simplicity. I hate over cleanliness. Being at least a little dirty makes your room and the world easier to live in. They say that "white skin hides seven blemishes" but I hate hiding; stains, freckles... what's wrong with that? If everyone has the exact same face, you can’t tell who you were.

    I don't know myself as it is. That's why I can't erase the clues. They're all guideposts to myself, you see.

#9 “Instant karma!”


    Laughing Bull said to me, "Swimming bird, do you know what your soul is made from?" I said, "No. Probably some cotton dust that's rolling around somewhere." Bull said, "That answer is wrong, yet correct. Your body is connected to the universe, yet it is not; your soul includes the entire universe, yet it does not. That is for me and for everyone. If you hate someone, you hate yourself; if you love someone, you love yourself."

    I said, "I don't feel anything towards anyone." Bull said, "That is the greatest misfortune on this earth."

#10 “Sugar mountain”


    They say that if you give a baby sweet things only, it will only want that and won't eat the nutritious foods that are vital. Things like sugar candy are the poison, after all. Now, it's not like I'm only talking about food. The world is full of sugar candy. If you only watch stuff like that, your brain will rot and become like yoghurt.

#11 “Chain of fools”


    You know, there's a lot to cooking. It's not as easy as just randomly adding flavor. A foolish person will put in too much flavor making a dish and you won’t even be able to tell whether it's beef or chicken. Those kind of people... shouldn't hold a wok.

    The original flavor of the ingredients... For example, if it's beef then you have to let the originality of the beef live; otherwise the beef will be sad.

#12 “Do it yourself”


    Those who don't work have no right to eat. I don't count. Woman are great just by staying alive.

    "Don't rely on others and do things yourself." I don't know who told me that, but for some time I've been believing in it. It's not that big of a deal though. I wouldn't want to be relied upon and not be able to come through. And even if I did, I would wonder, "was it really for their sake?" etcetera.

    In the end, you have to grab your own luck.


    Women will quickly betray you, but men live by giri (duty).


    Duty, huh?


    That's what I'd like to believe.

#13 “If 6 was 9”


    It’s very important to doubt everything that you take on. Information is only information, after all. If you think that what they say on TV is the truth, you're gravely mistaken.

    Open your own eyes, clear out your ears, and look and listen to the world. And think using your own brain. After you've doubted everything, there is a possibility of something real to believe in. That's right, to believe in something, doubt everything.


    It's not a question of that being hard to do-- it's impossible! It's like trying to play baseball without holding a bat. Hey, Spike!


    That's the kind of thing I like.

#14 “Amazing Grace”


    The good part about bounty hunting is that there are no rules. There is no written list of guidelines in existence for capturing a bounty. But if you do what you want they'll start complaining, or get mad and say that it against the rules. They're supposed to live by following this world’s “rules”. But who made these “rules”?

    It's not like we were born to obey somebody. Whether threatened or bribed, our souls can't be sold.


    Unfortunately, the freelancing soul is an ancient concept.


    What? But what about the heart?


    It's too expensive for money to buy.

#15 “My favorite things”


    Ed has not had any sufferings yet. Perhaps I might have but I don't remember at all. If you ask why, it's because I only do things that look fun. And even with boring things, I find something a little fun in them and get excited. But if it's too boring, I go to sleep. And when I'm asleep, it's fun rolling around dreaming. The end~

#16 “Unfinished sympathy”


    Bruce Lee was said to have said this, "empty your mind and throw away any form or shape. Be like water." If you put water in a cup the water takes the form of the cup; if you put water in a teapot, the water takes the form of a teapot. Water can flow or it can crash violently. That is why, my friend, be like water."

    As expected, my heart's mentor speaks in a unique way.

    He also said this, "what I am teaching is not self-defense or how to defeat opponents or anything like that. But rather, I am teaching you how to express yourself through your movements, whether that is anger, determination, or whatever. In other words, this is a method of expression using the human body with combat."

    You can tell that Bruce Lee wasn't just a movie star or just a martial artist, can’t you?

#17 “Public pressure”


    If there is a God in this world, I'd like to ask for one wish-- divine retribution to all those who take freedom away.

#18 “Whole lotta love”


    I sometimes think I miss out on a lot with this personality. I sometimes think that, being the way I am, all the good men will run away. Well, this is who I am, so it can't be helped. If I act like someone else saying, "even though I look like this I'm really a homemaker!" or whatever... even if it did get anywhere, in the end, hardship—no—only regrets will come. It's got to be someone that will like me for myself. Well, I think it'll be tough being with me but there is probably a man unlucky enough in the universe though.

#19 “Wild style”


    Over a century ago, there was a sax player called Charlie Parker. He was probably the first man to play without using sheet music. In other words, he was tired up of playing the same thing and started adlibbing and playing in his own style. The music that he started eventually came to be called Bebop. That's right. That's the origin of this ship's name.

#20 “Daydream believer”


    We all sleep while we wake up and and we all wake up while we sleep. Is the past reality? Are memories the truth? Dreams… where are our dreams, really? The dreams we dream while asleep, the dreams we dream while awake... they're both the same.

    The people that say they don't dream only don't remember. The people with no dreams have only yet to notice them; they're cowards. They want to see them, but they are merely forcing themselves not to.

#21 “Hang onto your self”


    This is just an illusion. Controlled by an unseen hand, the truth is still covered by a thick veil. But it quietly, like the moons of Titan, secretly exist, eventually revealing itself after the sandstorm clears.

#22 “Looking back in anger”


    Stop getting angry over such frivilous things. This isn't a joke, nor is it fiction. Or... have I been seeing a bad dream?

#23 “Tangled up in blue”


    A blues man somewhere was said to have said this after being asked the definition of blues, "Blues is... singing about some kind of trouble that can’t be helped."


wondering if my chin will set an appointment with its razor

im too pissed to review. so what do i do? i try to answer some questions that needs answering. its almost 2am in the morning and im trying to figure out whether i should...shave or not to shave? that is the question. yes. thats my million dollar question for tonight. or for this morning.

i started growing my moustache and beard about more than two weeks ago. in the past, someone thought that i allow my moustache and beard to grow as a form of protest (like protesting against the wretched witch my jesuit professor introduced to me as Fortuna for allowing me to be called for recitation at precisely the wrong moments during the eighth month of the year). that has never been the case. i only let it grow because i dont feel like shaving. about 63.89% of the time (or a little more than half the time to be less precise) that i decide not to shave for a day, i decide not to shave for an entire week (laziness kicks in. shaving can be bothersome). i wont shave it until im compelled to shave it. what compels me to shave it is that i cant bear the scruffy look anymore. right now, i dont mind to be scruffy looking. aside from im indoors most of the time, it also saves me money. how? well, all of the women i admit having gone out with (all means more or less half a handful) always politely asks me not to let my moustache and beard grow. they prefer that i stay clean shaven. if i dare try not to heed it because im too lazy to shave, they start asking philosophical questions like "why?, how come?, what's the point?, when will i see clean shaven tristofer again?" and some other variants of such questions that imply "lose the facial hair dammit or an embargo shall be imposed!" since i dont want to encounter such mind nagging questions, by not shaving, i am in effect preventing myself from going out on a date with anyone. and as the simple mathematical equation that no math professor or math teacher has ever taught me in school, no date = more money, having a moustache and beard can be an incentive. so now lies before me the question of to shave or not to shave? if i dont shave, i will stay scruffy looking, discourage me to go out with someone (and discourage me to meet someone new due to the acquired notion that women dont like bearded guys that looks like potential serial killers, which now raises questions...is that the reason why most serial killers are single? because chicks dont dig their scruffy look? if thats the case...how about female serial killers?) and save money. if i shave...i become clean shaven. ok. it seems there only exists an apparent predicament. but i feel like shaving now. this makes the predicament more real than apparent. but is shaving or not shaving really a predicament? its already 2am. i will probably shave it...if im still in the mood to shave it in the morning. and like the previous shaving sessions, i will shave it in the same manner ted mosby did. by trying different beard and moustache styles as the facial hair is gradually shaven off (i think there was one time, when i still had a digicam, that i tried doing mug shots). too bad i cant do an adolf/toothbrush moustache. my moustache at the center of my lip dont grow that thick. i wonder how many people in the world secretly do a silly hitler moustache with matching nazi salute when they decide to remove their facial hair? probably more than the people who remember charlie chaplin when they see themselves wearing a toothbrush moustache.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

and my hate-hate relationship with August begins...now!

an 85 year old woman is celebrating her birthday and she is celebrating it at my neighbor's house. she (or her offspring) hired a singer to sing oldies but goodies. problem is they're too loud! its like im in the same room as they are. normally, i wouldnt mind but i need to study and i have no other place to study at the moment but inside my room. it is August so no surprise there. well, sort of no surprise. i posted the blog entry and a sample of the nuisance in my posterous account because its easier to upload audio files there.