Saturday, August 07, 2010

'cause i am whatever you say i am

Ten years of Eminem. or maybe a little more than ten. i started listening to Eminem when i was in high school (1999). i bought his "Slim Shady LP" album (cassette tape! i started really buying CDs when i was in college. i only have less than a handful of CDs when i graduated from high school and they were the type of CDs i wish i wont be caught dead with) after seeing the "My Name Is" music video on MTV. 

his latest music video is probably the best music video of all time! primarily because Megan Fox is in it. i could have just posted the music video and said Megan Fox is hot but i decided to say a little something about Eminem because i realized that i have been listening to Eminem for more than a decade and i still enjoy listening to his music and lyrical style (which i think have matured and evolved over the years but remained distinctly eminem).

anyway, this video will serve as one of the things that will keep me sane for the remaining review weeks. just a while ago i thought of becoming a taxman after days of reviewing taxation law. i was serious in considering it

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