i like KFC's california maki twister. unfortunately, its not that affordable so i will have to prohibit myself from craving for it for now (i hope when they say limited time, they mean 3 months. i hate it when i go to the counter of a fast food restaurant only to be told that the product i intend to eat is already "phased out." jollibee does this to me most of the time). i think it was the first KFC commercial that enticed me to buy their product. i usually dont like KFC's commercial (when im not in a mood to tolerate the commercial, i tell my siblings to change the channel. thats how much i dont like their commercials. im not saying they're bad, i just really dont like them and that they should hire experts to do their commercials). but then again, now that i think about it, it wasnt the way the commercial was done that enticed me try their product. it was because it said california maki. i like japanese food. so by merely saying what the product was would have sufficed. the only KFC commercial (alleged KFC commercial) i liked is the one done by Jun Ji-Hyun (it was one of my first posts in this blog).
anyway, if there's anything that really brings out my selfishness, its food. my "i dont care about anyone else" self really comes out. im that guy one wouldnt want to bring in a camping trip when the food is scarce. not that i will let others starve while i eat the limited supply of food (although there is a good probability), its just that it really becomes difficult for me to share food when im really hungry or when i really like the food. someone will have to remind me to share and eat sparingly. or another solution is hide the food from me (something my siblings do).
im also a picky and moody eater. i remember my OLA teammates would ask me if im craving for anything before we go out for lunch. i usually like burgers, fries, pizza, chicken and anything fried (so im not that difficult to go out and eat with. problem is when im craving for a particular burger or pizza). im not a fan of soup (this surprises a lot of people and i dont know why) and food with a lot of liquids. this is why my mother finds it difficult to cook food since im really, really picky lately. and she insists that i cant just keep eating fried food. its not that i wont eat what's available, its just that i wouldnt eat a lot of it. i dont know when this habit developed. i used to eat anything thats edible (except food that tastes like liver). i really do eat anything back then, even leftovers. i still eat leftovers but not as much as i used to. i also used to have this habit of not having any leftovers on my plate. as long as there's still something edible on my plate, i will eat it. well, i grew up to be annoyingly picky.
i also have a big appetite but thats not really true all the time. i easily lose my appetite when im busy (this is one example of a not a hard and fast rule since there can be exceptions, primarily based on mood). thats why when i was still working and i have lots of stuff to do, i tend to forget to have lunch (or would rather not have lunch). i remember when i was taking classes that were scheduled 3-4 hours straight and the last professor had the tendency to extend for 1 to 2 more hours, im no longer in the mood to eat dinner. thats why i easily lose weight when im busy or i have lots of stuff to do. this habit just developed recently (and recently means latter half of this decade)
i also dont like my food to be hot. not that i like them cold but i dont like it hot because i easily burn my tongue (and half my tongue is still injured. after the exams, im going to have this checked). i used to have the habit of smelling my food before eating it. people keep saying its rude (because they notice it when i attend parties). so i stopped doing it. i think this is one of the few instances i listened to other people. i have the nasty habit of doing the opposite what people tell me (or whatever i tell myself).
i just wanted to say that i like KFC's california maki twister and i hope it will still be available after september but i ended up writing about eating habits. i never lost my talkativeness. it just transformed into written form.
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