Tuesday, August 03, 2010

wondering if my chin will set an appointment with its razor

im too pissed to review. so what do i do? i try to answer some questions that needs answering. its almost 2am in the morning and im trying to figure out whether i should...shave or not to shave? that is the question. yes. thats my million dollar question for tonight. or for this morning.

i started growing my moustache and beard about more than two weeks ago. in the past, someone thought that i allow my moustache and beard to grow as a form of protest (like protesting against the wretched witch my jesuit professor introduced to me as Fortuna for allowing me to be called for recitation at precisely the wrong moments during the eighth month of the year). that has never been the case. i only let it grow because i dont feel like shaving. about 63.89% of the time (or a little more than half the time to be less precise) that i decide not to shave for a day, i decide not to shave for an entire week (laziness kicks in. shaving can be bothersome). i wont shave it until im compelled to shave it. what compels me to shave it is that i cant bear the scruffy look anymore. right now, i dont mind to be scruffy looking. aside from im indoors most of the time, it also saves me money. how? well, all of the women i admit having gone out with (all means more or less half a handful) always politely asks me not to let my moustache and beard grow. they prefer that i stay clean shaven. if i dare try not to heed it because im too lazy to shave, they start asking philosophical questions like "why?, how come?, what's the point?, when will i see clean shaven tristofer again?" and some other variants of such questions that imply "lose the facial hair dammit or an embargo shall be imposed!" since i dont want to encounter such mind nagging questions, by not shaving, i am in effect preventing myself from going out on a date with anyone. and as the simple mathematical equation that no math professor or math teacher has ever taught me in school, no date = more money, having a moustache and beard can be an incentive. so now lies before me the question of to shave or not to shave? if i dont shave, i will stay scruffy looking, discourage me to go out with someone (and discourage me to meet someone new due to the acquired notion that women dont like bearded guys that looks like potential serial killers, which now raises questions...is that the reason why most serial killers are single? because chicks dont dig their scruffy look? if thats the case...how about female serial killers?) and save money. if i shave...i become clean shaven. ok. it seems there only exists an apparent predicament. but i feel like shaving now. this makes the predicament more real than apparent. but is shaving or not shaving really a predicament? its already 2am. i will probably shave it...if im still in the mood to shave it in the morning. and like the previous shaving sessions, i will shave it in the same manner ted mosby did. by trying different beard and moustache styles as the facial hair is gradually shaven off (i think there was one time, when i still had a digicam, that i tried doing mug shots). too bad i cant do an adolf/toothbrush moustache. my moustache at the center of my lip dont grow that thick. i wonder how many people in the world secretly do a silly hitler moustache with matching nazi salute when they decide to remove their facial hair? probably more than the people who remember charlie chaplin when they see themselves wearing a toothbrush moustache.

1 comment:

Gillette said...

Its always good to shave, even if it means showing some skin at work: http://bit.ly/bVSJZ4