Wednesday, September 02, 2009

making no sense at all

i have this strange feeling something's wrong. that something's up and i cant tell what it is. its not twilight zone kind of wrong but there's just something wrong with...something. while walking home and watching cars go by, things just feel a little different and wrong. i cant explain it because i dont even understand it.

in an unrelated matter yet somewhat similar matter, i also feel threatened. threatened by what? again, i dont know. by some unknown something. i feel like something is about to find me when i dont want to be found. its not really like running away from something and then being caught but more of being found and not wanting to be found. its like the existence of something is threatened by...something. its like something has come back and i dont like whatever that came back.

anyway, if anyone asks me what's wrong with me, im just going to say im suffering from selective mutism coupled with sensory defensiveness. i hope i dont lose my eyesight. i miss my heightened sense of awareness. Philippine politics just got interesting. now im just saying stuff that has no relation to each other and putting them together in one paragraph.

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