Tuesday, September 15, 2009

sober is so boring

the great Homer S. once said: alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

life. what is the meaning of life? i think there are two ways of searching for the answer to such question. one way is by doing it objectively or by primarily using one's mind. the other way is by doing it subjectively or using one's heart. the former i believe makes one live a sad and miserable life without really living life. he lives life having emotions in moderate amounts. he is able to gain some form of contentment and peace. he sees a glimpse of the answer. but of course, a glimpse of the answer is not the same as seeing and having the answer. the latter approach makes one live life. he engages in it, he is immersed in a wider range and stronger set of emotions. anger, love, happiness, hatred, etc. in this approach i think the person is closer to the answer or probably able to grasp it but cannot explain and share it for the world to know. for the world to finally know the answer to the question that has puzzled most men since time immemorial. or at least when he started asking "why?" (that eventually lead to questions regarding one's existence).

alcohol. what is alcohol? alcohol is the possimpible. it can make a subjective man objective and an objective man subjective. it makes the improbable happen. it can even make the impossible occur. alcohol is the best medicine for some. alcohol is the best thing that ever happened to some. alcohol is the shiznit. if life sucks, alcohol is your cause and your solution. with alcohol, you dont even have to finish a sentence. it knows no rules...on grammar. you dont even have to make sense. it makes one feel powerful and become powerless at the same time. it makes contradictions meet. it makes life exciting and interesting for both the intoxicated and non-intoxicated. and an exciting life gives meaning to life. so alcohol is the bearer of life's meaning. twisted logic. aaah, alcohol. you are one of the best things that man created and God made possible.

im going to keep my promise that i wont drink alcohol for the next two weeks. by saturday, its going to be two full weeks. good thing i said maybe longer. the word "maybe" really makes a lot of difference. sorry life, but without alcohol, you are just plain boring.

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