Tuesday, August 26, 2008

i need to exercise. and i need lots of it.

had a very tiring day. did a lot of walking and climbing. climbing flights of stairs!

went to mandaluyong earlier to go to the national center for mental health to do some OLA related stuff. to go to the NCMH, coming from UP, i had to ride a jeep up to SM North. then head to the MRT station (and taking the stairs was really tiring). but instead of going straight to Shaw (so i could go to the NCMH), i had to stop-over cubao to do something (ate lunch and bought something. why didnt i eat in SM North? i forgot! ive been skipping meals lately). so i rode the MRT from north station to cubao station and then cubao station to shaw station (thats a lot of stairs i covered). by the time i reached shaw station, i really felt i needed to hydrate myself (and i already bought buko juice in cubao station before heading to shaw). so next i rode a jeep and when i reached NCMH, did a lot of walking again because the place wasnt the kind of hospital i was expecting. it was a very wide and open area with lots of buildings. that explains why there are tricycles outside the gate. and since i have no idea where im going inside the compound, i have no choice but to walk and keep asking for directions. eventually, i did reach the place i needed to go to. and when its time to head back to UP, had to take more stairs because im going to ride the MRT again. had to take more flights of stairs when i was in UP because i had to go to the 3rd floor of the law library to pick up the readings i earlier requested to be photocopied. then did a little more walking when i started heading home.

what i gathered from this experience is that im really out of shape. very out of shape. seriously out of shape. while taking the stairs in the MRT, i was muttering that i was going to kill the jerk who thought of having these stairs for all the MRT stations. i was really cursing and panting (damn these stairs!).

so what am i going to do? i dont know. start walking home again? after a very mentally draining day, do i still have the strength to walk? i lost 10 or 15 pounds already for just doing academic work. im bound to lose more by exposing myself to physical exertion. so?

i really need to exercise. the physical type.

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