Monday, September 01, 2008

walking contradiction version2

i admit that i contradict people just for the sake of contradicting them. its my idea of having fun sometimes. but sometimes, i play the devil's advocate and contradict people so they can polish their ideas or the logic of their statements or arguments. unfortunately, some people get offended when i do this. they think im just picking on them or harassing them or that i just refuse to listen thats why im muddling up the discussion.

when i contradict people so as to improve their arguments or statements, im not saying i know better. i may be completely clueless with the particular topic. the reason im contradicting them is because im not convinced. as simple as that. im not even saying that they are wrong or the arguments are flawed and should be discarded. im implying that the statements or arguments need improvement or need to be substantiated either by hard facts or good evidence. the more scientific the better. unless its not grounded on science, then pure logic thats hard to refute will suffice. that's simply what i mean when i contradict people. and again, some get offended because im implying that what they are saying is insufficient. well, what can i do, thats what appears to me. and if they happen to improve the statements or arguments, and contradict me, who benefits? besides, im the type who believes people shoul learn through experience. so even if i know a better argument, i will not disclose it. i will encourage the person to figure it out on his or her own. the most i can do is lead him or her to the right direction that would lead him or her to what i think is a better argument or statement. unfortunately, people easily get offended so i dont get the opportunity to point them to the right direction.

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